Thursday, November 13, 2014

Surprise, Surprise!

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, one of the most liberal courts in the land, actually struck down California’s law banning the “easing” of concealed carry” rules. In the state with the most onerous anti-gun laws, it has now become easier to get and keep a concealed carry permit. It ruled that requiring people to show a “need” was unconstitutional. “In other words, the State cannot restrict an individual from carrying a firearm because a government official doesn't think they face enough threats to justify doing so and affirms carrying a gun in public for self defense is in fact a protected right under the Second Amendment. The ruling based much of its decision on the prior Supreme Court ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller and makes clear that the right to 'bear arms' is equal in definition to 'carrying arms'. Frankly, it surprises me that this court, which is the most reversed court in the land because of it’s “far left” liberalism, actually realized this. But it did, and it is now the “law of the land.” I’m sure that pissed off many Democrats in California, and all over America. (Town Hall)

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