Monday, November 10, 2014

It'a A Natural Right

The Constitution gives nobody any rights. It merely RECOGNIZES and GUARANTEES those natural rights we already have, as human beings. Liberals like to tell us the Constitution GIVES us “certain rights” so they can legislate them away. The right to own and carry a gun for self-protection and the protection of this country is but ONE of those “natural rights.” If there were no Constitution, we would still have that right. It would just be harder to restrain the government from taking it from us. As it is, they are forced to legislate all around our natural tight to be armed. Such things as gun registration so they’ll know who HAS the guns when they’re ready to come and steal them all; gun locks, to make it hard for honest people to get their guns in action when faced by a criminal with his ILLEGAL gun; “gun-free zones” where even people who have managed to retain their right to carry a gun are prohibited from entering  it with their guns, so criminals, who obey no laws are “invited” to come in and shoot us. Meanwhile, he signs the UN Arms Treaty, which the Congress will never approve (If they know what's good for them). But they don’t need to, since the way the law is written allows it to be enforced while WAITING for approval. All he has to do is sign it, and not offer it to the Congress for its approval, while enforcing it, or allowing the UN to come in and do so. (Breitbart)

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