Sunday, November 2, 2014

Stupid Response

In Chicago, they’ve discovered that anti-gun laws don’t work. So now they want to make more of them. A bunch of criminals broke into a gun store and stole $40,000.00 worth of guns. So now they’re calling for more laws to create “gun registries.” As if gun registries would stop those criminals from STEALING guns, to be sold to other criminals out of their car trunks in a back alley somewhere. Damn, what STUPID people these “gun grabbers” are! People STEAL a bunch of guns and they want to make more gun registry laws. Don’t they know the definition of INSANITY is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result? That pretty much describes the anti-gun fools. Crooks prove, over and over, that their “laws” don’t even slow them down,” but they keep making them. How stupid is THAT? But then, we've come to expect stupidity of gun-grabbers. (Fox13)

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