Monday, July 31, 2017

Making Politicians Feel Better

That's the only thing today's “gun laws” accomplish. They CERTAINLY don't stop criminals and other bad guys from using their illegal guns to victimize us. It's the easiest thing in the world to pass yet another “gun law.” But to use those laws to actually keep people alive, not so much. The main flaw is that ALL their laws DEPEND on LAWBREAKERS to OBEY them, and lawbreakers, by definition, do NOT obey laws, especially not their “gun laws.” So what the hell GOOD are they? Who cares if politicians feel good about themselves for “doing something” about gun crime? They only THINK they're doing something to prevent gun crime. What they are actually doing is making it EASIER for illegally-armed criminals to victimize the rest of us. Gun laws are the criminals' best friends. They keep law-abiding people DISARMED, making it easier for the criminals to rob and KILL us. That's the sum effect of ALL their “gun laws.” Try and tell them that. Their minds are made up. Don't confuse them with facts. (AmmoLand)

Gun Buyback Failure

All these highly touted “gun buybacks” are supposed to get guns “off the streets.” But what happens to the guns they collect, after everybody stops looking? One county judge found out recently. He turned in a gun he got from his father, handing it to a couple of cops in return for a Visa debit card worth less than $100. Then recently, the same gun was found next to the body of a street gang member who was shot by a Cicero, IL cop. Now he's asking what happened? How did a gun he thought was “off the streets” end up back ON the street in the hands of a gang member? Seems like the cops “lost track of” 130 guns that had been taken in such buybacks, or confiscated after they were used in crimes, and were stored in a warehouse since the 1990s. FOUR of these guns were seized during arrests later. This article didn't say if this one was the fifth, or one of the four. And how many are gone and NOT noticed? SOMEBODY who had access to those stored guns must have took some and sold them. Kinda makes those who set such store in buyback programs look pretty silly, doesn't it? (Chicago Sun-Times)

Friday, July 28, 2017

Ignorant Politicians

In Baltimore, a mayoral candidate wants to DISARM the cops. He says, “There are other options for them to use, including pepper spray (which only works some times) and batons (which works IF you can get close enough without getting SHOT by a criminal's ILLEGAL gun. Such political ignorance should get such a politician ERASED from the political scene. He/she should NEVER be allowed CLOSE to a law-making body with a vote. Ignorant politicians like this completely forget that disarming the cops does NOT disarm the crooks—and the cops need PARITY with the armed crooks, as do other citizens. He wants to divert financing for the cops to his “social programs,” saying that, “If we can see WHY people shoot each other, maybe we can stop it.” Typical liberal ignorance, going against human nature. How STUPID can you be? He just wants more of YOUR money to give away to people who, for whatever reason, produce NOTHING, and EARN nothing, as do most liberals. (The Blaze)

"Who Ya Gunna Call?"

The fools we call “Black Lives Matter” are damned fools. They think we can actually get along without the cops. But who are they gonna call when somebody victimizes THEM? Some thugs they know who have ILLEGAL guns? What's in it for them? Do they go out, every day and try to do what they can to protect us like the cops do? The cop haters tell us that cops “go hunting” for blacks to shoot and kill. That's a damned fool notion and a LIE. Cops are there to PROTECT us, and they do. The only people they hurt are those who want to hurt innocent people, as a rule. Yes, there are exceptions, such as the Somali cop who was a “political hire,” and who killed an innocent woman by mistake, and the other cop who panicked and killed an innocent man who was simply trying to inform him he was legally armed. Things happen. But the BLM fools want you to think the cops do that ON PURPOSE. They do NOT. Those who do will be “weeded out.” Truth is, we can't do without the cops. Only FOOLS think we can. Fools who WANT us to do without the cops so they can rob and kill us without opposition. (Just common sense)

Thursday, July 27, 2017

They Don't Like It

In Baltimore, they have one of the worst “gun crime” problems in the nation, and a new anti-gun crime law came up that they don't like. It actually PUNISHED CRIMINALS when they used a gun in the commission of a crime. They have no problem taking guns away from law-abiding citizens, but they don't like punishing criminals who use a gun to commit a crime. The law they don't like there (but which conservatives DO like) adds time to the sentences of criminals who use a gun to commit their crimes. So apparently, they like gun-wielding criminals more than they like law-abiding people with guns. This is typical anti-gun fool thinking. They make laws that DISARM honest, law-abiding people so as to make it easier for ILLEGALLY-armed criminals to victimize them, but REFUSE to make a law to PUNISH a criminal for USING a gun to commit his crime. That this kind of thinking gets people KILLED goes without saying. But don't try and convince them of that. (Keep and Bear)

Gun Control Failure

Most mass shootings occur IN “gun-free zones.” So what the hell GOOD are they to anybody but people who want to go into a gun-free area and kill people? Several others were done with guns bought after the shooter successfully PASSED a background check, since, before his crime, he was not on anybody's list. Furthermore, gun locks, gun safes, and “safe storage” laws do nothing to stop such people, because, since they're contemplating a much more serious crime, what the hell does a simple anti-gun law mean to them”? The net result of all today's anti-gun laws is to make it easier for a lawbreaker to KILL law-abiding people, who OBEY their laws, which the bad guys do NOT. Gun control is pushed as a way to keep Americans safe in their homes, schools, and workplaces. But it does not DO that. It disarms law-abiding people, making them “easy targets” for people who IGNORE such laws. Anti-gun fools will never “tumble” to this because they aren't that intelligent. In their ignorance, they ridicule us for even TELLING them this. Then they go out and make even more laws that only get innocent people KILLED. (NRA-ILA)

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Chicago Gun Deaths Light

They only killed one last Tuesday, but they wounded 9. which is very low, considering their usual very high level of “gun violence” in one of the most tightly gun-controlled cities in the Midwest and the nation. When are they going to learn that all their silly gun laws do is make it easier for the “bad guys,” who never apply for gun permits, anyway, to victimize law-abiding people who do? Every time a guy with an ILLEGAL gun shoots somebody, they make another “gun law” for him to IGNORE the next time he wants to shoot somebody. And with no guns in the hands of the law-abiding, he will probably kill that person and get away with it, since his name probably isn't on one of their “registration lists,” either. People who wish to do ill with their guns never register their guns and usually don't get them legally. They either buy them illegally out of another criminal's car trunk, in a back alley somewhere, or they STEAL them. (Chicago Sun-Times)

"More Road Rage"

Ohio State psychology professor Brad Bushman thinks that “Increased access to guns will mean more road rage.” This is classic ignorance and a complete LACK of understanding about what makes people “tick.” Allowing law-abiding people to carry their own guns gives people a measure of SELF-DEFENSE against all the ILLEGAL guns already out there, many of them in the hands of people who should not be allowed NEAR a gun. Such statements reveal the usual ignorance displayed by ALL anti-gun fools, who IGNORE all the ILLEGAL guns already out there when he talks about the guns that “are available.” And, like ALL anti-gun fools, he is only “concerned” about LEGAL guns. Again, like all “gun-grabbers,” he wants to ELIMINATE all LEGAL guns so as to leave the field open to the “bad guys” so they can more easily victimize us. (Truth About Guns)

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Realizing Reality

Black women are the most likely to seek gun “carry permits” these days, because they have come to realize that their men are the most likely people to eventually kill them with THEIR guns and want to have the means to defend themselves. Black racists will call ME a racist for saying this TRUTH. But I have never cared what they think, and I don't care now. Liberals SAY that black men are the biggest group to go to prison for gun crime, and they don't like that. What they DON'T say is that black men are much more LIKELY to commit crimes, which is why they are more likely than others to go to prison. Liberals are good at twisting figures to suit themselves and their idea of what's happening, and this is a good example of that. And they are AIDED by the fools in the “Black Lives Matter” movement. (Keep and Bear)

Melting Down Guns

LA county melted down 4,971 guns recently, and they think that will “make a dent” in the “gun crime” problem. Like most anti-gun fools, they think getting rid of a few guns will solve their problem. Of course, the bad guys will just buy or steal more guns and continue killing people. Most of the guns collected for this farce were in bad condition, so the bad guys just got rid of some old, defective guns, while keeping their newer, good ones. They published pictures of a large pile of guns while “taking a victory lap” and patting themselves on the back. They think that will make a difference in the “gun violence” in their territory—it will NOT. Gun crime will continue, unabated, while the politicians figure out more and better ways to spend our money. They're good at that. They just can't get it through their thick skulls that the way to stop gun crime is to let the law-abiding citizens have, and carry their own guns, with which to kill a few ILLEGAL gun-wielding thugs. And studies have proven that a thug who has been killed won't kill many more people. (Guns)

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Gun Control Flaw

Gun control fanciers have one basic flaw in their thinking: that is that LAWBREAKERS will somehow OBEY their inane, useless laws that do NOTHING except get innocent people KILLED and injured by DISARMING them in the face of the millions of ILLEGALLY-owned guns already out there in the hands of the “bad guys.” They think gun registration will prevent gun violence, but it doesn't. It MAY allow them to find, and charge a shooter AFTER he has shot someone, IF that shooter bothered to register his gun—which most people who wish to use a gun for illegal violence do not. They think “gun-free zones” will stop lawbreakers from entering while carrying their guns. They do NOT. Potential shooters SEEK OUT such zones in which to do their “dirty work” because they can be pretty sure law-abiding folks will not be armed, and thus will be DEFENSELESS against their ILLEGAL guns. Trigger locks, gun locks “safe storage” of guns that require them to be locked up in ways that make them hard to get into action quickly when a person is threatened by a criminal with his ILLEGAL gun. ALL their “gun laws” have the same flaw: they DEPEND upon a LAWBREAKER obeying them while making law-abiding people DEFENSELESS. You can't convince anti-gun fools of this. To tell them is like throwing a rock at a boulder. Their minds are made up, so don't confuse them with facts. (Just common sense)

Creeping Stupidity

Great Britain, having already made the fool mistake of almost banning ALL guns and finding that doesn't “solve the gun problem,” are now poised to make an even bigger mistake—banning all knives. What's next? Banning stones? Having mostly banned all guns, they now say “Knife crime is now a scourge on our society.” They call even self defense with a knife a “knife crime.” In England, as here, the anti-gunners are more interested in eliminating all means of self defense for the citizens—unless, of course, you're a criminal. or work for the government (or both), then, of course, you need to have the means to defend yourself from all those wascally ILLEGAL guns—and to oppress those who have none. What they are finding, of course, is the triumph of the right to self defense. After they ban all knives, people will find something else to use to defend themselves. And when they ban that, something else. And so it goes. I recommend somebody start teaching people how to use everyday objects in defending themselves. They can't ban EVERYTHING. (Captain's Journal)

Friday, July 21, 2017

Gun Control--Then Reality

California is flailing about in all directions trying desperately to “control” guns and thus reduce, or eliminate “gun crime.” They have no idea what they're doing, and the sum effect of all their laws is getting law-abiding people, who OBEY their laws, killed and injured, while the criminals and other “bad guys” disobey them. They just can't understand the fact that the “bad guys” disobey laws for a living, and are not likely to obey their useless laws. All their laws are a mish-mash of micro-managing that defies understanding and are, themselves, difficult to enforce. Clearly, the best defense is an offense—which means we need to allow the law-abiding to have and use guns for their own self defense to counter the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there in the hands of the bad guys. But the anti-gun fools aren't intelligent enough to realize this truth. They shudder at the very thought of law-abiding people with their own guns, while bad guys already have their own guns. Disarming yourself is NOT the way to self defense, but they'll never know that. Their minds are made up, so don't confuse them with facts. (Breitart)

Gun-Grabber's Ignorance

Letting female victims of their men's beatings have guns for self defense is bad, because it adds the possibility of deadly action to the equation.” That's what this “gun-grabber” who writes for Huffington Post thinks, anyway. Maybe she should find an abusive boyfriend. Maybe her opinion might change, but that's doubtful. Anti-gun fools aren't smart enough to recognize reality. She really thinks abuse victims should have NO WAY to avoid serious injury, or even death at the hands of their abusers. Does she have a better answer? No. She just tells people what to do or not to do and is willing to take the risk--for other people. The unfortunate truth is, she is right, at least in that anti gun fool cops and prosecutors will more than likely arrest and imprison her when she DOES defend herself with her gun, legally carried, or not. They shouldn't have the power to do that, when it is clearly self defense. But they do. In any case, I'd rather be in prison than in a coffin. (Truth About Guns)

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Dream On, Babe!

Shannon Watts, boss of “MOMS Against Guns” (or something like that) says, “I sense momentum in the push for gun safety in state regulation.” Really, Shannon? What about all the states passing concealed carry laws? A MAJORITY of states now have such laws in force. Actually, I sense momentum in gun RIGHTS at state level. They call their silly laws, “gun safety,” but they are ANYTHING but that. They make law-abiding people HELPLESS against the ILLEGAL guns held by criminals and other “bad guys.” Their laws simply get innocent people KILLED and injured, but they're too stupid to perceive reality. Every time their laws are proven to be useless, they push to make MORE of them, while innocent (and guilty) people suffer. We tell them and tell them, that their laws don't work, but they're not listening. It's like throwing a rock at a boulder. It just bounces off their cement-like skulls. Chicago is one of the best examples of that: with all the TIGHT gun laws in force there, Chicago has been declared a “war zone,” and the National Guard has been called out. Visitors are being warned to be careful when going out. (Guns)

Guns: "Only for Killing"

Anti-gun fools say that guns are manufactured ONLY to kill. They're wrong—guns are also manufactured to SAVE people from being killed by “bad guys” who MISUSE them. Without guns for self defense, many more INNOCENT people will be killed by those who MISUSE their guns for criminal purposes. What they don't know, or ignore, is that ANYTHING can be used for good OR ill, and guns are no different. They can be used to kill an enemy, or to provide food for the table. Fire is another thing. It can be a big help by keeping you warm and by allowing you to cook food to eat and keep you warm, or it can destroy huge areas and kill many people if it is MISUSED. Then there's the hypodermic needle. It is commonly manufactured for medical use, where it is used, every day, to save lives, and make the lives of sick people more comfortable. It can also be used by “druggies” to slowly kill themselves by injecting poison into their veins to “get a high.” Drug users commonly use “dirty needles” and often kill themselves without knowing they're doing it. The point is, most everything can be used for good or ill, including guns. (Quora)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

"Chicago Is A War Zone"

I don't know how many were shot this most recent weekend in Chicago, but over the 4th of July weekend, 84 people were shot, and 11 died. Rahm Emanuel, the mayor, has asked for the assistance of the National Guard, to help keep the peace. That's just one step below declaring full martial law in Chicago. I've been in Chicago on business, and at the time had no idea how dangerous it was just to be there. Many people are actually calling Chicago as much of a war zone as Iraq or Afghanistan. That's saying a lot. And the Dumocrat leadership (Obama's former left-hand man) has no idea how to stop it, save to make more of the kind of laws that have FAILED to stop it, so far. They aren't smart enough. (The News Nerd)

"Common Sense Gun Control"

Anti-gun fool activists are asking, “Will Trump's new FBI Director support common sense gun control?” Good question. When will they come up with some? They certainly haven't yet. Every “gun control “ measure they have come up with so far does NOTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime.” In fact, all they do is make it worse by making honest, law-abiding people who actually OBEY laws defenseless in the face of all the NON-law-abiding people who do NOT. That's NOT “common sense,” that's a tragedy, since it gets innocent people KILLED. “Gun-free zones,” for instance. There isn't a single mass shooting that hasn't occurred IN a “gun-free zone.” Criminals candidly tell us that they SEEK OUT gun-free zones in which to do their “dirty deeds” because they can be pretty sure there won't be any “law-abiding person” there who has a gun with which to shoot back. Things like “gun locks,” and “safe storage” that involve locked boxes that take MINUTES to open when the “bad guys” already have their guns out and ready KILL people. All their other “common sense gun laws” are just as bad. Wray will do well NOT to support them. (Outdoor Life)

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

"Real Men Don't Need Guns"

That's what the female gun-grabbers say, but they don't want you to know that THEY do. Recently, they did a “march” from Fairfax, VA to Washington, DC to PROMOTE anti-gun legislation, PROTECTED BY ARMED GUARDS. This is a typical contradiction they don't even seem to understand. They're not too bright. If they were, they'd KNOW that the laws they support are USELESS to stop, or even slow down gun violence, because the perpetrators of gun violence don't OBEY laws—ANY laws. So why do they expect them to suddenly obey theirs? They need to find some kind of solution the worst criminals can't ignore, instead of continuing to insist on making USELESS laws nobody obeys. But that will never happen. These people are too STUPID to come to such a conclusion. They just keep on making laws than only make law-abiding people defenseless, and killing people, while being blissfully unaware of that. (Keep and Bear)

Phony NRA Members

Although there are really just 5 MILLION NRA members, 14 million people SAY they're NRA members. Why, I don't know. Maybe it's just wishful thinking of people who may have ONCE been members and feel like they still are, and maybe many of them only claim membership so pollsters will ask their opinion AS a NRA member. The NRA never gives out member information, so there's NO WAY pollsters can get that information except to ask the NRA itself to poll their members, which they regularly do. But pollsters from all over PRETEND to know what NRA members think, and it's only a PRETENSE. Other people CLAIM NRA membership so they can give pollsters false information, and pollsters paid for by anti-gun fool groups “eat it up” like a puppy licking an ice cream cone. I'm sure that's how they came by their strange idea that a MAJORITY of NRA members SUPPORT their silly, ineffective “gun laws” that do nothing but get law-abiding people KILLED by keeping them DEFENSELESS against ILLEGALLY armed criminals. They talk incessantly about how many people are killed by guns, IGNORING the fact that almost ALL of them are killed by ILLEGAL guns. (NRA-ILA)

Monday, July 17, 2017

Gun Lies & Damned Lies!

The anti-gun fools are spreading the MYTH that a majority of Americans WANT gun control. Evidence that this is a lie is the fact that MOST of those silly “gun laws” are defeated. The very fact that there is a big fight over gun rights should be an indicator to intelligent people, but doesn't make a dent in the stone-like heads of the anti-gun fools. What Americans want is “gun SAFETY.” The laws that have been made, and are currently in place have done NOTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun violence.” They are NEVER going to stop gun violence with these laws because the people who use guns for ill simply don't OBEY laws. To think that, all of a sudden, they will obey THESE laws is imbecilic. But the anti-gun fools will never “Tumble” to that. (Orlando Sentinel)

Deluded Anti-Gun Fools

They think the Dumocrats are losing elections because they're not sufficiently anti-gun! They also say that only 19% of gun owners are members of the NRA! Really? Then where do they get their millions and millions of members? Pew Research recently came out with a poll that purported to show that 84% of Americans supported background checks. I don't know how they get such figures. Maybe they do their polls in the lobby of the Dumocrat National Convention. Joe Scarborough thinks Dumocrats lose elections because they are so vocal about their SUPPORT for gun control! DUMOCRATS! What FOOLS these people be! Voters support gun SAFETY, not gun CONTROL. There's a difference. One that escapes anti-gun fools. They continue to think their useless gun laws “protect people,” when in fact, they get people KILLED, by DISARMING them, while the “bad guys” never have any problem getting their guns, in places where the gun laws are the tightest—like Chicago, where their laws are some of the tightest in the nation, while they have the single highest gun death rate in the nation. They try and ignore that. (Huffington Post)

Friday, July 14, 2017

Injecting Racism

The liberals inject racism into everything. We've become so used to it, many of us don't even notice it, any more. Meanwhile, racist professors tell us that BEING white is racism. They use anything they can to CREATE black against white racism, and certain blacks are “eating it up,” because they think it empowers them. The cartoon pictured is subtle in it's injection of racism into the “gun question,” but it's there, for all to see. They take standard phrases and tell us they are “code words” to mean racism, so they can CLAIM racism where it does not exist. These people spend all their time SEARCHING for racism, in everything that happens, which indicates racism on THEIR part. Yes, there are a few racists left. They had almost disappeared when Obama began whining about racism in his attempt to get a race war started, so he could exploit it. That he failed during his 8 years of terror says a lot about the REAL racism situation. (Just common sense)

Deluded Survivor

Tiara Parker, who survived the shooting at the “Pulse Night Club” in Orlando, Florida, is now helping to push a gun control law that would have done NOTHING to stop the shooter at the Pulse Night Club. The politicians working to pass the law probably know it would be completely ineffective in stopping such shootings, but they work to pass it, anyway, because it makes them “feel good” about “doing something,” whether or not it does any good. That's what the anti-gun fools do—infringe on our constitutional rights to make themselves “feel good,” while actually getting people KILLED by disarming them in the face of all the ILLEGAL guns already out there in the hands of people who just want to do us ill. One of these days, SOMEBODY will come up with a REAL law that will do some good, but it won't be these people. And these people will probably oppose it. (KVPI Channel 6)

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Making Americans Defenseless

That seems to be the purpose of the anti-gun fools, not “stemming gun violence,” as they claim. Every time we find something we can use to defend ourselves, whether it is a gun, or something else, they want to outlaw it. I once was in line at a 7-11 store with a uniformed cop behind me. I had one of those metal flashlights in my pocket, and that cop took notice. He said, “You know, that could be considered a weapon, don't you?” I replied, “Yes; and if I ever use it as a weapon, we can discuss it then.” He just laughed, but his question revealed a mindset in many cops and legislators. ANYTHING that can be used as a weapon, they want to outlaw. Every law they make (so far) does its best to make the guns we DO have useless for self defense. Gun locks, gun safes, and laws regulating the storage of guns do exactly that: makes them USELESS for self defense because they cause it to take way too long to “get it into action” when we are threatened by a thug wielding an ILLEGAL gun.

Then there are such things as “gun-free zones,” where law-abiding people don't bring their guns, but criminals DO. They IGNORE such laws, and actively seek out such places, because they know that law-abiding people will not usually be armed for self defense so they can victimize them, at will. They have to know their current laws are USELESS to stop criminals with ILLEGAL guns from victimizing law-abiding people, but they keep making them, anyway—which says a lot about them. So it's no wonder places like Chicago, which have some of the tightest gun laws in the land, also have the highest numbers of gun crimes anywhere. They have to know that, too, but they will not hear of allowing law-abiding people to have and carry their own guns for self defense against ILLEGALLY-armed criminals, even though the Constitution guarantees us that right. (Just common sense)

Deluded Anti-Gun Fools

They think the Dumocrats are losing elections because they're not sufficiently anti-gun! They also say that only 19% of gun owners are members of the NRA! Really? Then where do they get their millions and millions of members? Pew Research recently came out with a poll that purported to show that 84% of Americans supported background checks. I don't know how they get such figures. Maybe they do their polls in the lobby of the Dumocrat National Convention. Joe Scarborough thinks Dumocrats lose elections because they are so vocal about their SUPPORT for gun control! DUMOCRATS! What FOOLS these people be! Voters support gun SAFETY, not gun CONTROL. There's a difference. One that escapes anti-gun fools. They continue to think their useless gun laws “protect people,” when in fact, they get people KILLED, by DISARMING them, while the “bad guys” never have any problem getting their guns, in places where the gun laws are the tightest—like Chicago, where their laws are some of the tightest in the nation, while they have the single highest gun death rate in the nation. They try and ignore that. (Huffington Post)

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

"Gun Control Is Racist"

That's what a writer at Salon thinks, anyway. She talks about Trump's “heavy handed” enforcement of gun laws, which is completely non-existent. She compared gun violence reports to the old “red line” policies of the past (80 years ago), and found similarities. Thus, she determined that gun control was racist. I really get tired of liberals always coming out with new things that are “racist,” based on the thinnest “evidence” possible, and which stretch the definition of racism to the limit. She “found” that neighborhoods red lined 80 years ago have higher incidences of gun violence than anywhere else. That does NOT indicate racism. It indicates the FACT that more people LIVING in those neighborhoods COMMIT gun violence. It has nothing to do with the fact that the neighborhood was “red lined.” Liberals work HARD to try and convince the rest of us that as many things as possible are actually racist, even if they have to twist the truth unmercifully to accomplish it. By so doing, they cause the word “racism” to become meaningless. (Salon)

"But Not for Thee"

Congress is saying, “Guns for we, but not for thee.” There is a movement in Congress to allow members of Congress to be armed, after the shooting of Rep, Scalise. Members of Congress have begun to realize the fact that they are sorely threatened, and have no means to defend themselves. Rep. Mo Brooks says, “’Right now when we’re in Washington, D.C., once we’re off the complex … we’re still high-profile targets, but we have absolutely no way to defend ourselves because of Washington, D.C.’s rather restrictive gun laws,’ Brooks, R-Ala., told Maria Bartiromo on ‘Sunday Morning Futures.’”

And he's right. The same rights should be recognized for all of us, but they're not. Every one of us is subject to being attacked, injured, and even killed, every day, at home, or on the street. We're high profile targets and have absolutely no way to defend ourselves because of the “rather tight gun laws” in most areas of the country. Even the “gun-grabbers” in Congress could be armed, while attempting to make more and more laws PREVENTING us from doing the same. The contradiction here is obvious, made even more obvious by the danger to members of Congress that are equal to our own. (Oath Keepers)

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Only In Chicago

Chicago has some of the toughest “gun laws” in the country, ALL of which violate the Second Amendment, but do NOTHING to stop those who wish to do us ill from getting a gun. The Second amendment clearly says, the right of ALL Americans to be armed, “shall NOT be infringed.” But they make laws and regulations all the time that DO “infringe” on that right, which is guaranteed by the Constitution. Example: In Chicago, there has been a STRING of armed robberies, one of them featuring a SIX-YEAR OLD, brandishing a gun. Show me ANYWHERE it is legal for a six-year old to have and use a gun, never mind what this one used it for! And somehow I suspect the guns those ADULTS used in their robberies were not legally bought. It is obviously very easy to get ILLEGAL guns in Chicago, and the “bad guys” take full advantage of it. That's in SPITE of those “tough gun laws. So what the hell good are they? One day, the anti-gun fools will find a law that really works, and I'll be right with them. But I'm not holding my breath waiting. I'm not fond of turning blue. (NBC Chicago)

FBI: "Gun Control Didn't Work"

The FBI recently came out with a report that basically says, “Gun control, as we know it, wouldn't have stopped the Alexandria shooting.” Virginia anti-gun fools say “lax gun control in Virginia is responsible,” but that's wrong. The guns the shooter used were bought LEGALLY in Ohio, not Virginia. It is said that he shouldn't have even been ABLE to buy a gun because he had been CHARGED with domestic abuse in the past. Note: he was “charged,” but not CONVICTED. Thus, he had a “clean record.” He is also known to have converted one of his guns to take an illegal magazine, after purchase. Frankly, NONE of the current gun control laws now in force would have had a bit of control over his gun purchases or modifications. And if they had, he simply would have gotten them ILLEGALLY, as most criminals do. (National Review)

Monday, July 10, 2017

Phony "Study" Results

A recent “study” by an outfit that puts out “findings” KNOWN to be biased “found” that concealed carry laws “caused” increases in felonies by concealed carriers. In areas where crime rose after a concealed carry law was passed does NOT mean it CAUSED that increase in felonies. Their biased figures included felonies in TRAFFIC cases which did not even involve a gun. The truth is, gun felonies by concealed carriers are in the THOUSANDTH of a percentage of ALL “gun crimes,” which they ignore. Typically, gun carry permit holders WILL be arrested, even if their actions were in self defense—until the cops can determine that. Very few CONVICTIONS were recorded. This outfit never responds to criticisms of their “studies,” but just go on, as if nothing ever happened. They continue to put out flawed “studies,” as if they were true. Their “studies” are therefore ALL questionable. But the anti-gun fools use them regularly. (Crime Prevention Research Center)

Gun Laws Mean Nothing

Not to criminals and other bad guys, anyway. Whoever told the anti-gun fools they could stop them from their crimes by making a law that says people who don't OBEY laws cannot be armed is ignorant. And the politicians who believe that crap are incompetent. Criminals who have been asked their opinion of gun laws tell us they APPROVE of them, because it makes it a lot easier for them to rob and kill, since the chances of their intended victims being armed is a lot smaller. And that's something the anti-gun fools will never understand. They don't have the INTELLIGENCE to understand that all they are doing with their insane laws is making it easier for the bad guys to victimize the law-abiding people who DO obey their laws, and thereby getting many innocent people killed. (Just common sense)

Friday, July 7, 2017

I Would Want To

The New York Times asks, “Who would want to live in a world where everybody is armed for self defense?” My answer is, Me. I would want to. I'd feel a lot safer if good people carried guns to protect themselves, and me, from the “bad guys” who carry their guns ILLEGALLY, in spite of all their “gun laws.” People who are dumb enough to ask such a question completely ignore that little fact, and keep honest people disarmed, so the “bad guys” can victimize us at will. By so doing, they make life a lot more dangerous for everybody. But don't tell them that, doing so is like throwing a rock at a boulder. It just “bounces off.” And they keep on making laws that only get good people killed, as in Chicago, where they have some of the tightest gun laws in the nation, coupled with some of the highest gun crime stats. But they never learn from experience. They just make excuses, blame something else, and keep right on making their deadly, USELESS gun laws, while innocent people die. (Breitbart)

"Alexandria Shooting Funny"

Chelsea Gentry-Tipton, head of the DNC's “Black Caucus” in Oklahoma, wrote, in a Facebook post, that she “found that shooting funny.” such insensitivity seems natural to Dumocrat operatives, and when her resignation was demanded, she “apologized,” using the usual Dumocrat talking points they all use when caught out”: “You took me out of context”: “I'm the victim, here”: and the one all black politicians use, “If you're not black, you don't understand.” She also did what most anti-gun fools do, she insulted the NRA and everybody who believe in our right to self defense and to own and use the tool to accomplish it, a gun, when she said, “The very people that push pro NRA legislation in efforts to pad their pockets with complete disregard for human life." Yeah, having a hard time feeling bad for them. Yeah, “complete disregard for human life.” Opposing their USELESS gun laws that only get people killed is “having complete disregard for human life.” And this is the kind of fool we have representing us in too many places. (Conservative Tribune)

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Worse Than We Thought

Yesterday, I wrote a post saying that 6 people were killed out of 20 shot in Chicago over the Fourth of Jukly weekend, in spite of all their very tough gun laws. But then the figures came in, including MONDAY, and those figures rose to 15 dead out of 102 shot. It's a WAR ZONE in South West Chicago! And there are innocent people getting killed in that war, which is mostly between street gang members who use ILLEGALLY-owned guns. 56 year old Tyrone Burdine was shot to death in his front yard, and his death was witnessed by some CHILDREN who were nearby, who barely missed getting shot, themselves. This carnage must END—and the kind of laws anti-gun fools are constantly making while patting themselves on the back for “doing something about gun violence” are doing NOTHING to stop it, or even slow it down. In fact, it's making it WORSE, by DISARMING law-abiding people so they're “sitting ducks” as criminals shoot each other all around them with their ILLEGAL guns in their war. We keep telling them this, while they can see it for themselves, but they don't learn from their mistakes, and more and more people get hurt and killed, while the blood is on THEIR hands. (ABC 7, Chicago)

Calif. Throws Blame Elsewhere

California anti-gun fools are frustrated. They feel that their already way too tight “gun laws” aren't good enough to stop the flow of guns into their state from elsewhere. So now they want the Congress to make even more and tighter laws, nationally. What they don't realize, and never will, is that ALL their laws do NOTHING to “stop gun violence,” and never will, so long as they target the GUNS, not the people using them to commit crimes. You CAN'T stop guns coming into the state completely. There will ALWAYS be a “black market” in guns, EVERYWHERE. Every law they make makes honest, law-abiding people DEFENSELESS against the MILLIONS of ILLEGAL guns out there. And they do it in spite of the constitutional guarantee of our absolute RIGHT to be armed in self defense. Allowing law-abiding people to be armed as the “first line of defense” against ILLEGAL guns is something they simply won't even consider. They're THAT stupid. (S.F. Chronicle)

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Stay Away From Chicago!

If you want to stay alive, that is. Thugs killed 8 people and wounded a total of 60 people, just over the July Fourth weekend. In spite of all their very tight “gun laws.” What has to happen for the anti-gun fools in Chicago to learn their lesson? That all their silly laws not only do NOT stop, or even slow down the fool gang members killing one another and others? Telling them this is like throwing a glass of water into a lake. It just “doesn't compute.” They're not intelligent enough to “tumble” to that fact. A law should be made to eliminate such people who make such laws from the legislature AND from the city lawmaking bodies for stupidity. And in New York City, a thug shot and killed a female cop from ambush. Of course, New York City is well known for their tough gun laws, which did NOTHING to keep a gun out of the hands of the killer. Cops did accomplish that in this case—by KILLING she shooter. (Chicago Tribune)

Worse Than I Thought

I thought VA Gov. Terry McAuliffe was crazy when he said “93 Americans are killed every day by guns.” That was an impossible number that didn't happen. But he's loonier than I thought. His figure was actually “93 MILLION Americans killed by guns every day.” 93 MILLION! And this man is the GOVERNOR of Virginia and a former Democrat National Committee Chairman! How did such an ignorant man ever get to this point? Corruption in politics, is how. They've got things fixed, everywhere on the East Coast. When he is put out of one job, he gets another. When a Democrat elite wants a new political job, the “powers that be” “fix it” for him/her. That's how Hillary got that senatorship, to set things up for her to run for president. They even dispensed with her most important opponent for her. Before that, it's how she got to be Secretary of State, with NO experience, anywhere, that qualified her for such an important position. She really screwed up badly there! Previous to that, all she was, was the WIFE of a president and a governor, and that's ALL. None of that qualified her to be a senator, OR Secretary of State. And CERTAINLY not president. And the same thing is true for Terry. He's obviously too ignorant to be a governor, or anything else except, maybe dog catcher. And probably not that, either. (Breitbart)

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

"May the Fourth Be With You!"

Happy Fourth of July! This is one of the most important of dates, I believe, because it reminds us of our beginnings, and our FREEDOMS—at least the few we still have left, with liberals all over the country working tirelessly to take them away from us, one by one, starting with our guaranteed Second Amendment right to self defense, and to own and use the equipment to make it happen, a gun. Today, we need a “permit” to do almost anything important, and the power to require a permit is the power to say “no.” So revere this holiday, because it is more than an excuse for a cookout and fireworks.

"Didn't Work; Need More"

The New York Times admits that all their tight gun laws did nothing to keep that doctor from wreaking revenge for his firing in that hospital in the Bronx. New York State was the first state to pass more stringent gun laws in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, in which 20 CHILDREN and 6 staff members were gunned down. But that law, called the “SAFE Act,” has done NOTHING to stop people like this doctor from killing people. One of its provisions is limiting magazine size to 10, but this mad doctor had three magazines, so he had his 30 rounds. He did have a record, but it was a misdemeanor record, which does not stop him from buying guns. All their laws do is disarm law-abiding people so that mostly nobody in that hospital was armed, making them “sitting ducks.” That's what ALL the anti-gun laws in this nation do: keep law-abiding people disarmed, and thus unable to defend themselves against people like this—and they want more of the same. (New York Times)

Pushing Gun Control

As I predicted, gun control advocates lost no time using the shooting in Alexandria to tout gun control. Virginia Governor Terry McCauliffe was the first to stand in the blood of the victims of the Republican baseball practice (for a charity ball game) and demand more USELESS gun control laws. He said that “Wednesday is not a good day to talk about gun control,” then proceeded to talk about gun control. But he's not smart enough to know that the way to “gun safety” is NOT to disarm the populace. And, of course, he wildly exaggerated the number of deaths by guns, saying 93 people die by gunfire every day. It's a typical anti-gun fool LIE. (Daily Caller)

Monday, July 3, 2017

I'm Back!

Well, vacation's over. I was the birthday present for my sister on Saturday, and it was a present for me, too. I also got to see most of the rest of my extended family there. Everything went smoothly until I was on the way back. We got on the plane, then it broke down. It was getting wrong electronic readings, so they had to take us off it and find a new airplane. Other than a three-hour wait, everything else went okay, Now I'm baaacckk!

Ignorant Judges Making Law

An ignorant judge in Florida thinks legislators can't make law—only judges do that. This judge ought to be removed from the bench for ignorance. County Judge Milton Hirsch recently ruled that legislators “overstepped their bounds” when they revised the self defense law, putting the burden of proof on prosecutors. An unattributed quote in the article said it best: “How can this individual sit on a bench and say stuff like that without fear of being tagged as a moron and removed for cause? If he cannot understand the principle of Separation of Powers, he does not need to wear the black robe.” This judge only showed his complete IGNORANCE by this ruling, and is sure to be reversed by the next court up—unless it is the Ninth, whose judges are just as ignorant. The Ninth is the most reversed court in the land. (Gun Free Zone)

We'd Be Sitting Ducks!

And so it begins--those who dirty their drawers at the very idea of law-abiding citizens being armed, so they AREN'T “sitting ducks” if somebody comes into a peaceful ball game and starts shooting at random will have their say. And on the other side, those who think it would be okay for everybody to be armed, just in case will also have their say. Who is right? It only took two guns in the friendly hands of the ONE security detail there to “neutralize the threat” by “pinning down” the shooter who opened up on the unarmed crowd of congresspeople assembled there to practice for a charity baseball game. But what if every congressperson there had had ONE armed security person there. Likely that shooter would have been dead a lot quicker than he was, and all those unarmed people would not have to fear for their lives.

One of my favorite scenes in a movie was the one where a gunman walked into a bar and tried to hold it up. The next sound was of 43 guns being cocked, while the robber stood and was surrounded by 43 cocked guns. Turns out it was a “cop bar,” and the WRONG place for him to stage a holdup. Nobody was hurt, not even the would-be robber. But the fact that everybody there was armed made a lot of difference in his plans that day. Truth is, if more people go about armed, they most likely won't just “go wild” and shoot up everything in sight, like anti-gun fools think they would do. Like those cops, their guns would stay in the holster until needed, then would come out and put such a would-be shooter in his place. (Just common sense)