Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"It's NRA's Fault!"

Obama said it, so it must be true—what a LOAD of bull dung! If Obama says it—ANYTHING—it must be a LIE! The man doesn't know HOW to tell the truth, about ANYTHING. He would rather lie than tell the truth, even when the truth would serve better! If he says ANYTHING is the NRA's fault, you can depend on the fact that the NRA is innocent. Obama keeps pushing those useless laws all the gun-grabbers have been championing, that do NOT do ANYTHING to even slow down, or stop “gun violence. Until they find a law that will stop lawBREAKERS (who don't OBEY laws) from getting their guns (which ain't gonna happen—ever, with these fools in charge) the criminals will always still be able to get their guns, and people (whom Obama wants to disarm) will continue to DIE because they have no guns for defense from ILLEGALLY-armed criminals. But he doesn't care. He's committed to the current batch of useless gun laws, and is zealous in trying to increase their number. (Second Amendment Insider)

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