Thursday, September 24, 2015

For Them, Not For Us

I'm getting very tired of celebrities who can (and do) hire people to carry their guns for them telling us we have no right to self defense. They SAY we don't have the right to carry a gun (we do), but carry that to it's logical extreme, and it means we have no right to self-defense, while they do, since they can afford to hire armed guards to protect them. One of the more recent examples of this anti-gun bigotry is Justin Bieber, who goes about with more armed protection that the president, was seen holding an automatic pistol with his finger on the trigger (illegally, of course, since he's too young to have a gun legally, and there was a cop in the background, who probably supplied the gun). That's what I object to: people who are surrounded by armed guards (as are most of the lawmakers who make such laws) telling me I can't carry my own gun so I won't be an “easy target” for an illegally-armed thug. Senator Diane Feinstein is the worst of this lot. She's an avid anti-gun freak, but has her own “carry” permit and carries her own gun. She also has a bunch of armed guards around her, wherever she goes.  And of course, she was once seen waving an automatic weapon around in a crowded room with HER finger on the trigger. (The Wire)

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