Sunday, September 27, 2015

Dream On, San Fran!

The headline says, “Gun Violence to End in San Francisco After Last Gun Store Closes.” (It's probably moving to a city close by where the politicians are more intelligent). That's what the anti-gun fools think, anyway. I'll be watching the news reports in the next few weeks and months to see just how damned STUPID and naive this is. The guns we have to worry about are in the hands of CRIMINALS, who obey NO LAWS and get their guns illegally so they can't be easily traced to them. Closing all the gun stores isn't going to make a ripple in the crime stats, except to cause them to rise sharply, while those gun stores who moved to other close cities thrive, selling guns to honest people. This headline reflects the STUPIDITY of ALL the anti-gun fools who really believe that bilge that if all guns are illegal, that will reduce, or eliminate gun crime. That's a “forlorn hope,” and intelligent people know it. anti-gun fools don't. (Cowboy Byte)

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