Tuesday, April 28, 2015

New Surgeon General

Confirmed without much fanfare (because nobody much gives a damn) in the turmoil surrounding events in Baltimore, MD, our new Surgeon General is an “anti-gun fool,” as have been most of them, so it's not a surprise that a person appointed to such a position would be IGNORANT on “gun control” issues. In his first pronouncement after being confirmed in a “lame-duck session” while most people's attention was focused elsewhere is this: “Tired of politicians playing politics w/guns, putting lives at risk b/c they’re scared of [National Rifle Association]. Guns are a health care issue.” Funny: isn't that what gun grabbers do? He doesn't know that making a law WILL NOT stop criminals from getting their guns illegally. That the way to self-defense is NOT to DISARM ourselves. He has, not surpriusingly, “bought” the bullderm of the usual gun-control methods, which do NOT work, and only make things worse, by creating as many UNARMED VICTIMS as possible. Of course, he called for “common sense,” which is the liberal “code word” for “stupid.” (Daily Caller)

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