Tuesday, December 1, 2015

You wanted It, You Got It

Those “useful idiots,” the fools who agree with the fools who started the “Black Lives Matter” scam wanted there to be an increase in cops shooting blacks, so they could bray about it some more. Well, you got it. There seems to be a significant upward motion in the number of cops shooting suspects. Most of them are cops DEFENDING THEMSELVES from surprise attacks from thugs who think it is “open season” on cops. Cops everywhere are SUPER vigilant, everywhere they go, and are much quicker to shoot today than before the Ferguson, MO crap. And rightly so, with many unsuspecting cops (in the early days of the movement) being shot and killed for no reason except that they're cops.

The fools who want to kill cops don't ride around in well-marked cars, wearing distinctive uniforms with a shiny “target on their chests. So the thugs do have an initial advantage. But they usually die, after the cops became sufficiently alerted. The cops are better armed, better trained, and will manage to kill many more thugs than thugs kill cops. But things are going perfectly for the fools who started it all, hoping to make cops suffer. But I predict it will be the thugs who suffer, in the long run. In some areas, “authorities” are “mystified” at this rise, and can't seem to figure out the cause. But they're wearing blinders. The cause is “Black Lives Matter” and the unspoken invitation to kill cops. (NY Daily News)

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