Thursday, December 31, 2015

"Not An Individual Right"

It amazes me how people who are SUPPOSED to be intelligent can READ words and MISUNDERSTAND them, on purpose. The Illinois legislature has a bill before it even now to declare our Second Amendment right NOT to be an “individual right,” when the Constitution says clearly that it IS! It says, “NO LAW shall be made abridging the right of Americans to be armed!” What is there about that they don't understand? They base their ignorance on the “militia factor,” saying you had to be a member of an “organized militia” to have a gun, when organized militias DID NOT EXIST at the time the Constitution was written. so they COULD NOT HAVE meant that. What they DID mean was that ALL AMERICANS were considered to be part of a “militia” and could be “called up” in case of an emergency to defend the nation. It is a purposeful MISREADING of the Constitution to allow themselves to disarm honest people while criminals have NO PROBLEM getting their guns. (Illinois General Assembly)

"Increase In Gun Violence"

That's what anti-gun fools say. They say if everybody is allowed to be armed, there'd be an increase in “gun violence.” They're right. But not in the way they imagine. There would be a TEMPORARY increase while armed honest people killed off the ILLEGALLY armed criminals who “didn't get the memo” and try to victimize them. Then it would end, when all the ILLEGALLY armed criminals are in boxes, underground. Then the honest people truly wouldn't need their guns (Of course, that'll never happen). Those anti-gun fools really think honest people will “go nuts” and shoot each other over trifles. But the reality is, ILLEGALLY armed criminals do it, already. Which is why there IS so much “gun violence,” and will continue to be as long as the politicians keep us unarmed and defenseless. (Just common sense)

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Obama's New Anti-Gun Law

He has proposed (through his minions in congress) a bill that basically outlaws the manufacture and sale of “any part that COULD accelerate the firing rate of ANY weapon.” Which is so broad, so all-encompassing, it COULD include ANY PART made for ANY gun, anywhere, EVER. So broad that it would be subject to the OPINION of the ATF whether or not any part of ANY gun would be outlawed. It is in direct violation of the Second Amendment, but they don't care. It is so thinly disguised that a DOORMOUSE would know what it is, but they will insist otherwise and use it to ban ALL GUNS. This is how Obama plans to make every gun in the United States illegal, in DIRECT violation of the Constitution. (Bearing Arms)

Lockdown Over An Umbrella!

As in Watkins, Colorado, where cops, armed with automatic rifles and hiding behind an armored car descended upon a small bar because of a microphone stand someone thought was a gun, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) went on “lock down” because of what turned out to be an UMBRELLA, according to reports. FIVE AGENCIES, including probably hundreds of cops with their own guns, descended upon the university and it went into “lock down,” with everything that includes, including sirens warning students and faculty to “shelter in place.” It took them 30 minutes of searching to discover the “gun” probably was an umbrella. No gun was found. I wonder how much money this panic raid cost them? This is evidence of the fact that the “authorities” today are likely to kill somebody someday in a “knee-jerk response” to a report from someone who is so afraid of guns he might report a janitor's broom as a gun. (Bearing Arms)

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Proof of Their Lies

An increased crime rate is so predictable that we shouldn't even have to say it. In Venezuela, for instance, “Not one single firearm has been sold to civilians in Venezuela since 2012. Gun control is so tight that even spear guns must be registered and a permit acquired for its use.” And predictably, their “gun violence” has risen precipitously. Now, their murder rate has made them the MOST VIOLENT country in the world (without a war), according to the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence (OVV). That this PROVES our thesis goes without saying, and the anti-gun fools won't say it. But our ignorant politicians ignore such facts because they don't fit their agenda. (Gun Free Zone)

Monday, December 28, 2015

What Is It About guns?

Why are Democrats (and some Republicans) bound and determined to disarm Americans and make them defenseless against the ILLEGAL guns already held by criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists? Nobody seems to know, but I do. They're afraid we'll use our guns on THEM when they come to take what's ours—and they know it is happening more and more as various bureaucracies act against the Constitution and confiscate people's lands and property without even the bother of charging them with a crime. The RICO laws are themselves a violation of the Constitution in that they allow the government to confiscate people's money and property on just the OPINION of a law enforcement officer or a politician that they “might” be getting their money illegally. The very fact that these laws allow that BEFORE any charges are even filed, and even if they are NOT filed is unconstitutional. You could be walking down the street carrying a large sum of cash (which is NOT illegal) and they have scanners that can tell how much cash you're carrying so they can know if it is worth their time to steal it. And they can do so with NO charges, and DARE you to go to court to get it back, after they've stolen all your money. They don't want guns in the hands of honest people so their minions won't have a chance of getting shot when they commit a :home invasion” on your home. (Just common sense)

No Real Gun Control?

Why do anti-gun fools insist on making more and more of the “gun laws” that don't work? They KNOW they don't work, yet they keep insisting on making more and more of them while they do NOTHING to “stem gun violence” except between law-abiding citizens, which is not a problem, anyway. Most, if not ALL gun violence occurs when CRIMINALS, who don't OBEY laws, try and victimize people or other criminals want to victimize the other criminals. Also, most gun violence occurs between youth gang members, who ALSO don't have LEGAL guns. In all cases, the guns are NOT legally owned. But they do nothing to stem ILLEGAL gun ownership. There ARE laws on the books to give criminals longer prison sentences when they use a gun, but those are routinely WAIVED to get confessions in other crimes. That is just LAZINESS on the part of the cops, and should be disallowed. (Just common sense)

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Twisting the Meaning, As Usual

Illinois lawmakers have passed a (thankfully non-binding) resolution calling for the United States to confiscate the guns of the “peasants” (my word). Based on the usual misreading and willfully TWISTING the meaning of the :”militia clause” in the Second Amendment. of the Constitution. There WAS no “organized militia” at the time it was written, so the Founders could NOT have meant that. They meant for ALL AMERICANS to be guaranteed arms so THEY could be “called up” to help defend the nation if it were ever needed. But anti-gun fools constantly TWIST the meaning of the Second Amendment, ignoring that factor, so they can disarm us and make us DEFENSELESS if we OBEY the law. Criminals will still have their guns, as usual, because they don't OBEY laws. That's why they're called, “criminals.” (Minuteman News)

Should You Call 911?

Anti-gun fools say so. But many police executives (who should know), including the chief of the DC cops, don't agree, because they know you can be killed BEFORE they can even get there. “With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option [if it ever was -RT]. You could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back… You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We’re partners now. Can I count on you?” That's what DC Police Chief Cathy Lanier said. The sheriff of Milwaukee County said something similar. Calling 911 is not an option when a criminal is staring you in the face holding a gun on you. You can end up DEAD if you even TRY. But if you have your own gun, you might survive. If there had been several people in that Paris concert hall with guns, maybe there wouldn't have been as many dead. And there would have been fewer Islamic terrorists left. (Liberty Alliance)

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Cops Overdoing It

In some police groups, the anti-gun fools among them are ready to panic. They just proved it in Watkins, Colorado, when the Adams County Sheriff got a call that there was a “man with a gun” there in a bar. So the sheriff's SWAT team, in full force, including an armored car and many men armed with assault weapons, bullet-proof vests and helmets, RAIDED “Lulu's Bar” and found—a microphone stand that had been being carried on stage by a band member (which somebody mistook for a gun). Nobody was injured, thankfully, except maybe for several heart patients who were scared out of their wits when the cops busted in. There was probably the need for quick laundry service for some of the patrons, too. Seems to me that some police agencies TEND to overreact when the WHISPER about a gun is sounded, even when they don't know if the gun is legally carried, or not. It might even be an off duty cop. But they panic and overdo it. They scare people to death and open themselves to lawsuits, which the taxpayers end up paying for. I wonder how much this SWAT response cost the county—in which I live, and pay taxes. In the West, they USED TO be intelligent about guns. I guess that's no more. (Guns 'n'Freedom)

White House In the Dark

They SAY they just can't figure out why so many Americans want to buy guns after they spent so much time talking about confiscating everybody's guns. Of course, when they come for their guns, they'll have to find out where they hid them. They know why, but they won't admit it. In addition to the USUAL criminal threats, and the threat of some fool walking up and shooting people randomly, Obama is importing hundreds of thousands of potential Islamic terrorists, who will no doubt bring their guns along with them, or buy them (or get them free) ILLEGALLY from another Islamic terrorist already here, who can supply them. There are so many “Infidel targets” here, and so few bullets. Translated that means “unbeliever” targets, which the Koran instructs them to kill or convert to Islam. Some don't follow these instructions, just as many don't follow the instructions given in the Bible (Of course, the Bible doesn't instruct them to KILL anybody for not “beleving”).. But people want to have the means to defend themselves, and that's what Obama and his goons don't understand. (Guns 'n' Freedom)

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

MERRY CHRISTMAS! None of that liberal “Happy Holidays” crap here! We know this holiday is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and won't deny it in any way. I'm not much on ORGANIZED religion, but I won't do ANYTHING to impede people who are. The current “war on religion” offends me and I will do all I can to fight it. (Ray Thomas)

Damned Fool Students

DAMNED FOOL STUDENTS: More proof that college students not only don't know anything, they don't even know what they don't know. They not only haven't been on this Earth long enough to know anything, what they HAVE “learned” is horse manure. Now they've been seen to sign a petition to have ALL gun owners imprisoned and EXECUTED for the “crime” of owning a gun for self-defense.  They hate violence, but want to KILL lawful gun owners! How STUPID do you have to be to sign such a petition, aside from the fact that these people (gun owners) are NOT guilty of a crime for owning a gun. They actually believe this government COULD do such a thing, even in the absence of the Second Amendment. That takes a newer, higher level of stupidity than ever before. And these are the people who will be “running things” in a few years. It's inevitable. And I'm glad I won't be alive to see it. (The Gun Feed)

Christie Pardons Marine

A Marine recruiter was arrested when he inadvertently drove into New Jersey with an UNLOADED gun in his glove compartment, which he forgot was there. The cops arrested him during a stop for failing to use a turn signal, one of the tiniest offenses in the books when they found that gun shut up in his glove compartment. What the hell they were doing going through his car on such a MINOR stop is beyond me. They'd never get to search MY car that way, whether I have a gun or not. It's none of their business unless I'm using it to commit a crime. They probably intimidated him by telling him refusal to allow a search would make him seem guilty of something. That would never work on me. If they want to search my car, EVER, they're going to have to get a warrant. And if they hold up my movements until they get one, they'll be facing a huge lawsuit. I will OWN their agency. Christie “righted a wrong,” and for that, I commend him. (Breitbart)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Less Gun Control

That’s what Americans want. That’s what a recent Gallup poll showed. 55% of Americans wanted less gun control as we know it. Which makes me ask, what’s WRONG with the other 65%? Do they LIKE being defenseless when criminals, who don’t obey laws, come at them with their ILLEGAL guns. Restricting your access to the means for self-protection, a gun, seems to be the “fall-back position” for most politicians, even though they KNOW their laws and regulations don’t work. They do NOTHING to curb gun violence. They KNOW that in areas where the laws allow honest people to be armed for self-protection, violent crime takes a nose-dive.” But they don’t listen. They know it all. They “know” the way to curb gun violence is to not let YOU have a gun. They also know that their laws and regulations KILL people. Their “no gun zones” are an INVITATION to crazies to “come in and shoot us; we aren’t going to be armed.” But logic doesn’t faze them. They know it all and we know nothing, right? (Personal Liberty Digest)

Killing Gun Control

In Kansas, they’re trying to kill local gun control altogether. They’re trying to make a law BLOCKING all local efforts to “control” guns, saying the multiplicity of laws already on the books confuses the efforts of the “authorities” to lower gun violence. Which is silly, at best. The entire PREMISE is wrong: the current laws do NOTHING to lower gun violence. To attempt to stop local authorities from enforcing ANY kind of gun laws is short-sighted at best. The emphasis should be on the KIND of gun control laws that are to be enforced. Current laws concentrate on the GUN, while they should be concentrating on the SHOOTER. Punishing people much more harshly for committing a crime WITH a gun, than without. You say there are already laws on the books to do that. Yes, there are. But they’re mostly “throwaway” charges used as a “bargaining chip” to get confessions to other crimes, rather than being ENFORCED. What they’re doing in Kansas will put “gun control” completely into the hands of the feds—which is not a good thing, because they’re worse “anti-gun fools” than anybody. (Topeka-Capital Journal)

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Not A Big Surprise

N. Korea's Kim Jong Un doesn't like America's Second Amendment, as if he has the right to dislike it. Who cares what he thinks? We all know that ALL dictators are against their citizens having guns. They've ALL disarmed them. It's a basic requirement to become a dictator, so their citizens can't fight back when the dictators trample all over their rights. Obama is trying mightily to disarm Americans, but that pesky Second Amendment stops him, and he hasn't figured a real way around it, yet. But you can depend on the fact he is still trying. He will continue to try as long as he is in power, and then will continue “behind the scenes” in any Democrat administration that might follow his disastrous “reign.” So what's the big deal about Kim not liking the Second Amendment? Nobody had to tell anybody who has any INTELLIGENCE, at all. It comes with the territory. (Guns 'n' Freedom)

Make Them Defenseless

After a football player was killed, Obama predictably comes out of the woodwork with more demands to take away people's guns so they can't defend themselves against shooters like this, whose gun is probably not legally purchased, anyway. Zaevion Dobson , a rising school football star, was killed putting his body in front of three young girls as an UNOPPOSED shooter tried to kill them all. He is called a hero, and that's right. He also wasn't too smart to give up his life that way. Obama says, “He's a hero at 15, but what's our excuse for not acting? I got a clue for ya, Obama: your idea of “gun control” doesn't stop a single illegal shooting. THAT'S our “excuse.” What's YOUR excuse for your stupidity? If somebody with a gun, and will and skill to use it were there, maybe he wouldn't be a “dead hero.” Instead, the shooter would be the only one dead. (NBC)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Who to Blame?

A woman took her car and mowed down a bunch of people on a sidewalk in Las Vegas, once driving around a truck and BACK onto the sidewalk, killing at least one, and injuring many others. Who will they blame? The woman, or the car? If the same people who want to ban GUNS decide, they will order the CAR destroyed, and free the woman, saying, she just “succumbed” to the strain of too much driving. Then they will move to make it harder to BUY a car for ALL. Citing “car control.” This is the way our incompetent politicians work: blame the inanimate object, and make excuses for the person controlling it. Some of them want to REPEAL the Second Amendment, hoping that will protect us from all the guns that were obtained ILLEGALLY, in the first place. Making more laws against guns will “stop gun violence,” won't it? Criminals will obey a law that says they can't be armed, and then sheepishly “turn in their guns,” won't they? (tongue firmly in cheek) (Just common sense)

But Who Cares?

It is suggested that Obama might be “keeping an eye on” Sheriff Paul Barbeu of Pinal County, Arizona after he advised the citizens of his county to “arm yourselves and take the necessary training to be able to defend yourselves until we can get there.” Obama doesn't like to be opposed, even by such “small fry” as a county sheriff. So he's probably planning as much disruption to this sheriff's life as possible, probably beginning with an “anal exam” by the IRS. Followed by as much trouble he can make for him with his various bureaucracies and those THOUSANDS of “regulations” he put out with NO input from Congress, just as if he had that authority. But who cares if he has a special; hatred for this sheriff? He's an elected official, and unless he has something REAL in his background that can be discovered, he's able to go right along without worries. If Obama ever read the things I say about him, I'd get the “treatment,” too. But I'm not worried. If I do, I'll then know I did some good. If they give me an “anal exam,” I'll blow them out of the room. (The Right to Bear)

Monday, December 21, 2015

In Texas, Where Else?

In Keene, Texas, the school board voted not only to arm their teachers, they voted to provide the guns, too. Not all of the teachers, of course, just a few. But they're not telling which ones will be armed, so any potential mass shooters will not know which ones to fear. It's not a complete answer to why teachers are not allowed to be armed, but it's a start. Some fool parents are worried about something that will not happen. That some student might take a gun away from a teacher and do something stupid. Anti-gun fools constantly do that, saying that if everybody were armed, there'd be a “wile West atmosphere” where people will be killing each other over fender-benders. They neglect to mention that has happened with ILLEGAL gun owners before. Which is stupid, on its face. Honest, reliable gun carriers do not use their guns on ANYBODY who opposes them, or over trifles. Fools do that. Those anti-gun freaks are much more likely to lose control of themselves, and they attribute their own proclivities on others, to win with a phony claim. (Truth Revolt)

Taking Your Guns

Obama and other anti-gun fools keep saying, “Nobody wants to take away your guns,” while they work feverishly to take away your guns. Meanwhile, the editorial boards in many newspapers work hard for the same thing. The editor of a Seattle newspaper, the Seattle Times, is demanding we BAN GUNS altogether. Notwithstanding the Constitutional prohibition on that. The Constitution says, the rights of the people to own and use guns SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. I wonder what part of “shall not be infringed” doesn't he understand? Of course, this is Seattle. What can I say? Seattle was the first municipality to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour, sending businesses there into a “death spiral.” Of course, they have no authority to do that, but liberals don't care about that. They mimic Obama and just do what they want. They truthfully reported that 44% of respondents SUPPORTED banning so-called “assault weapons,” spinning it by NOT reporting that 50% (a majority) OPPOSED it. This is, of course, an obvious attempt to “spin”: the news to suit their narrative. (Gun Watch)

Sunday, December 20, 2015

He Has No Clue

Obama is mystified by the fact that after every mass shooting, more and more people buy guns and apply for “carry permits.” He just can't understand why people INSIST on being able to defend THEMSELVES, when the cops are usually MINUTES away, while the criminal is THERE, and menacing them. They want to be able to shoot that criminal and stop him from menacing them. Yeah, the cops can come by AFTER the crime has been committed, clean up the scene, and meticulously document it. But that does no good for the victims, and if the crime was murder, they're dead. Obama is CLUELESS about that, and many other things, too. In addition, he has GUTTED our military, as well as the intelligence services, so when the Islamic terrorists attack again, we will not only be UNABLE to respond against them, we will not be aware of the threat until it surfaces, which will be too late. Obama defends HIMSELF well, especially against people who don't agree with him. But not against the REAL threats. (Godfather Politics)

Many False Assumptions

The “anti-gun fools” make a lot of false assumptions and base their entire argument on them. The first, and most important, is the illogical assumption that LAWBREAKERS will OBEY a law that stops them from using a gun in the commission of their crimes. That ignores a basic thing: lawbreakers BREAK LAWS for a living. So why would they OBEY a law that says they can't be armed? Second, lawbreakers will OBEY a sign that says, “This Place Is A Gun-Free Zone.” Gun-free zones have PROVEN to be an open invitation to armed criminals to come in and shoot the place up. Third, that lawbreakers will obey ANY law. That's a basic erroneous assumption that makes their entire argument false. Fourth, that a “background check” will stop potential shooters from getting their guns. It certainly didn't work in the San Bernardino killings, as well as many others. That'
s why I'm against their brand of “gun control.” It doesn't work. We know it, and THEY know it, but they blithely ignore it and keep on making their USELESS laws (Just common sense)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Nancy Gets Blocked

Nancy Peelosi Democrat FORMER House Speaker, tried to get funding for “research into “gun violence” by the “Centers for Disease Control, though I can't see the possible interest by this outfit, since gun violence ISN'T a disease. I guess it's just a convenient place for her to use in wrongfully condemning legal gun ownership, while criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists have no trouble getting their ILLEGAL guns. What the hell he thinks they're going to “find” escapes me, too. It's a simple fact that DISARMING yourself does NOT lead to self-defense But she's apparently not intelligent enough to perceive that. Like most anti-gun fools, she thinks all you have to do is pass more of the USELESS laws that have NOT prevented gun violence in the past, and gun violence will magically disappear. I have a question fpr Nancy: if guns don't help stop gun violence, why do you go around surrounded wioth ARMED security? Do you, like another well-known anti=gun fool (Sen. Diane Feinstein) have your own gun, just in case your armed protectors fu... er, screw up? (Guns)

Proof of the Pudding

Murder rates drop like a stone as gun ownership skyrockets. Are all those gun buyers a danger to society as Obama insists as he goes about trying HARD to take away our right to self-defense and to own the means to that, a gun, while criminals have no problem getting their guns ILLEGALLY? Every time a fool goes out and shoots a bunch of UNARMED, helpless people, he starts again trying to create MORE unarmed and helpless people. He has been largely unsuccessful in his efforts, because he is “governing against the will of the people.” so he expresses his frustration and tries to do it “administratively,” which is lawbreaking. But he has broken the law so many times, that doesn't bother him. This is not the first time a president has been a lawbreaker, but none before him have done it so blatantly and openly. (Bearing Arms)

Friday, December 18, 2015

"To Stop Terrorists"

Hillary says we have to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines to stop terrorism.” Damn! Could this bi-ch be more STUPID? Does she really think a ban on their weapons will stop the Islamic terrorists from coming here and killing innocent people? They PLAN on violating laws, including the laws of nature, so why would they OBEY one that says their weapons cannot be used? Maybe we could point them at her so she can feel the results of her damned foolishness. And this woman wants to be president? Only somebody as stupid as she is would think she is, in any way, qualified to be president. 

And that's IGNORING the stupidities represented by her other proposed policies. If this is the best the Democrats have to offer outside of that ADMITTED socialist, Bernie Sanders, we're in a LOT of trouble if she has ANY chance of winning the general election. Usually, it's the Republicans who put up a weak candidate. This time, it's the Democrats. This woman has NOTHING to recommend her to be president of this great nation. Nothing. Except maybe overhearing her hubby make his major mistakes while he was in office, before he was impeached and emasculated as president. (Washington Times)

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Why Have Gun Laws At All?

I just heard a fool on FOX, fergawdsakes, say, “If criminals don't obey laws (which is the crux of pro-gunner's argument), why have laws at all? That was a stupid question and reflects complete misunderstanding of our argument. It's not the laws, it's laws that will WORK that need to be made. Maybe laws to make it life without parole or a death sentence for ANYBODY who uses a gun in the commission of a crime whether or not they kill anybody. That way, they'll never get out of jail to resume their life of violent crime after getting caught, once. That will act as a deterrent in two ways. First, if they're dead, they can't commit violent crimes. Second, it will cause the reduction in existing violent criminals as they figure out the penalty is too severe for them to use a gun. And we need to make laws that allow honest people to be armed, so often the criminals will run into guns in the hands of their intended victims if they try it. We can't make laws to keep them from GETTING their guns, so let's make them to punish those who use them for violent crime as severely as possible to get them (the CRIMINALS) off the streets and KEEP them off the streets. (Just common sense)

Illegal Gun Owner List

You wanted “background checks” for gun buyers? You got it. Right along with it you're getting the ILLEGAL list of gun owners you DIDN'T want. Obama is using the NICS to compile an ILLEGAL list of gun owners, for use later when he manages to get his “gun confiscation” plan in operation. And if you don't think he has one, remember that his biggest disappointment in his presidency is his FAILURE to be able to BAN GUNS for everybody. He doesn't put it that way, but that's what he means. And if you submitted to a background check, your name is ON that list and he can “come and get” your guns whenever he's ready. He has issued 23 UNCONSTITUTIONAL “executive orders” about “controlling guns.” And he has signaled his intent to issue more. And if you don't think an excuse for confiscation is in the works, you're nuts. The law says NO government agency can use the NICS information, but its use is to be “monitored” by the very agency the law is designed to keep from misusing the information. What a “grand swindle” THAT is! (Freedom Outpost)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Obama Ain't Gonna Like It!

The recent video put out by Wayne LaPierre, perennial vice president of the NRA tells it like it IS, not as Obama would wish it to be. He points out that the current gun laws ALREADY on the books don't work, mainly because they don't ENFORCE them. He shows that one of the WORST cities for gun control is Obama's own home town, Chicago, which has some of the TIGHTEST gun laws in the country, coupled with the HIGHEST gun death rates in the nation. Why is that? Because the “authorities” don't enforce them. He points out that most gun deaths are because of gun fights between rival gang members, none of whom have LEGAL guns. So obviously, gun laws would have NO EFFECT on them. They completely ignore the fact that, where honest, law-abiding people have their own guns, crime predictably goes DOWN. Meanwhile, Obama continues to push for more of his USELESS gun laws that he doesn't enforce, while he blames the NRA for his own failings. The NRA is tired of him blaming them for HIS shortcomings and that's what this video is all about. Click the link and watch it. I think you'll agree. (The Right to Bear)

Way Too Often!

Mass shootings these days are happening way too often to suit me, or anybody else, except the shooters. And Obama and the rest of the government can't figure out what to do about it. Their only answer is to stop LEGAL gun sales for honest people. They establish “no-gun zones” (which “bad guys ignore), create databases of gun owners, and require gun buyers to “jump through many hoops” to be able to buy a gun. Many times they require them to “show cause” why they might need a gun, and WAIT, during which they sometimes get killed. Today's news is ample “cause” in my book.

With people showing up “out of the blue” wherever crowds gather and shooting indiscriminately into the crowd, not to speak about individual shooters like the man in Chicago who came into a convenience store and was holding a clerk at gunpoint when he was shot to death by a legally-armed customer, to the consternation of the criminal's family, who thought he was a “good boy just trying to get his life back in order.” Obama and his goons try their best (worst) to DISARM America, which is the WORST thing he (and other politicians) could do, since making ourselves DEFENSELESS is not the way to self-defense. Very few of the mass shooters or criminals who use guns to do violence get their guns legally. And if they do it kinda proves all their laws don't do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down, gun violence, somehow the “bad guys” always get their guns.

And with Obama approving 100,000 Islamic terrorists (in some case, paying their way) to come here, the gun violence is going to go up. The Muslim psyche is to get a gun and go shoot anybody who displeases them, even if they aren't Muslim extremists, And with most of those “Muslim refugees” coming in being MEN of a “fighting age, gun violence can only get worse, laws or no laws. We have to be PREPARED to oppose them. There is no better defense than an offense. And without our own guns, there IS no offense. All we can do is run or be dead when faced with a fool with a gun. I've only owned a gun once in my life, back when my business required me to carry a lot of money over the weekend when banks were closed (There were no ATMs back then).

But that's going to change. I WILL have a gun. Anybody who tries to attack me is going to get a surprise. If he shoots me it will be the last thing he does in his life. But it's time our politicians “wised up” and figured out that all their highly touted gun laws have not made a whit of difference, and let us defend ourselves. Will that increase gun violence? Maybe, for a while, as we teach those “bad guys” a lesson and get rid of most of them. But in the long run, crime and just shootings will go down, and we can begin to live in a little more peace. As Robert Heinlein said, “An armed society is a polite society.” Obama says, “We're making it a little harder for bad guys to get guns.” Not a bit of it. His laws are making it EASIER. And will continue to do so until he and other politicians get some COMMON SENSE. (Just Common Sense)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

"Laws For You, Not For Me"

Anti-gun fools want “gun laws” made to keep YOU from having guns, but they don't want them to apply to them. The anti-gun fool in the linked story actually threatened to SHOOT a gun-maker who displeased her by disagreeing with her. So is it the conservatives who can't be trusted with guns, or the liberals, who spout HATRED for people who disagree with them and threaten to KILL them? People like Sen. Feinstein, who is the best-known (outside of former NYC Mayor Bloomberg) anti-gun fascist, who is famous for waving a LOADED automatic weapon around in a room full of people with her finger on the trigger to show how much she knew about guns, while those in the room cowered in fear? And, of course, this same fool has her OWN “carry permit” and carries her OWN gun, to supplement her ARMED security that follows her around, everywhere. (Bearing Arms)

Got Guns? "No Kids!"

A Nevada couple went out of their way to help kids. They were foster parents to three of them, happily so, it was. So when somebody threatened them, they brought out their guns to protect them. Only problem, the rule had been recently changed, and CPS removed their foster parent credentials because owning guns were no longer allowed for foster parents. Of course, they didn't know that (yet), when they used their guns to protect their children (nobody had bothered to tell them). Now the “powers-that-be” have decided to make them “easy targets” for the next bunch of criminals that come after them, by taking away their right to have guns, in VIOLATION of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. It's a violation, and they know it. But they don't care. They can CLAIM it's a “bureaucratic decision” and isn't prohibited by the Constitution. That's a lie, but they'll use it, anyway. That's how they “get around” the Constitution. (The Right to Bear)

Monday, December 14, 2015

"Gun Buybacks" Are Futile

The politicians tout them as “getting guns off the street,” but they don't. All they do is help the criminals trade in their old, broken, unusable guns for money to use in buying newer, usable guns from their ILLEGAL sellers in that back alley somewhere. These “buybacks” get liberal politicians a lot of political credit from people who don't pay any attention to politics, except in the most vague way, but they are USELESS when it comes to stopping “gun violence.” Unfortunately, these political morons each have a vote. Gun buybacks are like all the futile laws they pass, none of which do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down, “gun violence” Why they don't “wise up” and stop making these stupid laws and figure out a way to make it a futile thing for a criminal to USE a gun in the commission of a crime so we can use it to get them of the streets for a longer time, I don't know. I guess they're just STUPID. (Gun Watch)

Trust the Left

You can trust the left, to LIE in every case. I remember an anti-communist speaker I went to see one time, said, “You can trust the be communists.” Likewise today, you can trust the left, to LIE to you every time they open their mouths. In this specific case, it is about the causes of mass shootings in the United States. Each time, they come out and try to blame the conservatives, even though the evidence proves them wrong, every time. At Ft. Hood, the feds are still calling it “workplace violence,” even though it has been amply proved that the shooter was an Islamic terrorist, “home-grown.” He, himself, made it plain.

In the San Bernardino killings, they're trying to blame the NRA, even though the killers were so obviously Muslim terrorists, anybody who thinks otherwise is an imbecile. In the Colorado Springs outrage, they tried to blame the pro-life people generally, even after the killer was proven to be insane, with NO discernible ideology. In every case, even before the facts are in, they “go after” the right. That's how they operate: LIE and misrepresent everything. Because if they told the truth, the left would disappear. And last, the handguns used in the San Bernardino shooting WERE legal, had been legally purchased in California, the toughest state in the union on “gun laws.” So what the hell GOOD are they? (Town Hall)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Teen Stands Up To Teacher

His anti-gun teacher assigned her students to find 3 people for, and 3 people AGAINST gun control to find out what they think. Unfortunately, for her, this student's mother not only ENCOURAGED discussion about current events at home, but WAS a licensed gun carrier.
The teacher, when asked by this student about her own views, said she thought all “concealed carriers” should not only be disarmed, but be imprisoned. To which he replied that his mother WAS one of those “evil” licensed gun carriers and would only use it for self defense, and further, would “step in front of this anti-gun teacher” and “take a bullet” for her, if necessary. This article doesn't reveal the teacher's response, but I'd bet it was priceless. I hope this teen got a decent grade on this assignment, but knowing the way the anti-gun fools react to opposition, I doubt it. (Bearing Arms)

Our Politicians Are Stupid

What the hell is WRONG with so many politicians (mostly liberal Democrats) that makes them actually believe the FICTION that making LAWS against honest people owning and carrying their guns for self defense against the CRIMINALS who mostly get their guns ILLEGALLY makes us “gun nuts?” They think we're all “gun nuts” because we value the ability to defend ourselves and not depend on the cops, who are usually several MINUTES away, when the “bad guy” is already THERE and trying his best to kill innocent people? We tell them and tell them, and events PROVE it, that their useless laws do NOTHING to “stem gun violence.”

And it's only going to get worse as more and more Islamic terrorists INFEST our cities while Obama not only approves, buy PAYS THEIR WAY to come here and establish their “cells,” awaiting orders to do us as much damage as possible. Muslims are taught from BIRTH to hate everything about us. So why do so many of them insist on coming here so they can “live among unbelievers?” The answer is simple, but Obama and the rest of the liberal morons will never accept it. They hate us and all we do, and their '”Bible” (the Koran) tells them never to make friends with Infidels (unbelievers) but to KILL them when you can. And they WILL come here ARMED, in spite of every law that was ever made. And we'd better be armed and ready to repulse them, or we're going to DIE. (Just common sense)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Doing His Best

Obama is doing his best to DISARM the American people while not blatantly violating the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Although why that bothers him, after violating the Constitution so many times in the past, I have no idea. But his latest effort scares everybody. They want to buy their guns before Obama raises taxes on all gun buys so high they will never be able to afford to buy a gun. And that's his latest action: to raise taxes on gun purchases sky high, which doesn't require violating of the Constitution, although if he raises them high enough it will ACT as a “gun ban.” Obama wants to DISARM all Americans so he can more easily CONTROL us. But he'd better watch out. If he goes too far, he'll find himself embroiled in a revolution, as the British did when they tried “gun control” on the colonies. The king miscalculated the resolve of the American people, just as Obama is doing, right now. (Guns 'n' Freedom)

Open Carry? "Death Sentence"

That's what Pinellas County, Florida Sheriff Bob Gaultieri threatens. He says his officers will treat open carriers as dangerous criminals, and will have his deputies SHOOT many of them. In other words, he's threatening to MURDER lawful gun carriers if he sees their guns. It's this kind of MORON that should make it necessary to have a way to get RID of such fools before he commits a serious crime, thinking he is some kind of a DICTATOR. The sheriff doesn't realize that if he, or one of his deputies carries out that threat, and an innocent open carrier is killed or injured, he is opening himself up to a million dollar lawsuit, and maybe will find himself in prison for MURDER. I think an immediate RECALL effort should be made against this sheriff before he commits MURDER by killing or injuring a LEGAL open carrier. And whomever has the authority to arrest a sheriff should do so, charging him with making “terrorist threats.” (Gun Free Zone)

Friday, December 11, 2015

"Gun Control" Won't Work

Josh Earnest, Obama's current mouthpiece, was asked which one of Obama's “new gun laws” would have prevented ANY of the mass shootings that have happened. He couldn't come up with a single one, and changed the subject. He started talking about Obama's new idea to ban anybody on the “terrorist SUSPECT list (who have not been CONVICTED of being a terrorist) from buying a gun. The fact that the 165 page memo stating the reasons for putting names on the list is so vague that they have been known to put CHILDREN as young as 18 months on it.

Now they want to use this list to ban those on it from being able to own a gun. Meanwhile, the list is so secret that you'll never know your name is on it until you try to do something (like buying a gun) that is on the list of things they use to put your name on it. And, once on the list, it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get it removed.. This is a “backdoor effort” at banning guns for everybody. That list, under Bush, had something like 47,000 names on it. Under Obama, it has grown to 700,000. (Town Hall)

Always Blame the Guns

That's what those anti-gun morons always do. They think they're so superior because they don't believe in defending themselves—and that's the crux of it. They think we should ALL remain defenseless in the face of ARMED criminals (even though most of them go around surrounded by people who carry their guns for them—something most of us can't afford) They say to “call the cops.” But that rarely ever works, because the cops are usually at least a few minutes away, while the armed criminal is THERE, right then, and can kill them before the cops can ever get there. Sure, the cops can “clean up the scene” and MAYBE apprehend the criminals later, but you're dead. That will mean nothing to you. Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown (Democrat, of course) called people who want to be able to defend themselves “lunatics.” But the only lunatics in this story are people like Brown. Self defense is a BASIC right, and a basic instinct in intelligent people (which Sen. Brown is obviously NOT). (Last Resistance)

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Chief Anti-Gun Fool

Obama just released a patently unconstitutional “presidential order” that contained these things: One, a determination that the NRA is a “terrorist organization” because they trained people to handle guns properly and are a stalwart supporter of the Second Amendment and our RIGHT to be armed; Second, an immediate ban on centerfire ammunition; Third, an immediate ban on “military style weapons,” forgetting completely that HIS forces are the best customers for, and users of, such weapons; Four, a mandate for the creation of “drop-off centers” where Americans would be expected to “turn in their guns” to the government. That's a “forlorn hope” that anybody (but the gullible) will turn any in.

He also ILLEGALLY “raided” the homes of top NRA officials. The “blowback” was immediate. Obama was accused of being a traitor and his immediate removal from office was demanded. People “bought out” gun stores, even though he ordered the NICS Operations Center closed in an attempt to stem the “run” on the gun stores. A significant number of sheriffs and police chiefs pledged that they would OPPOSE any attempt by the feds to enforce these orders. This article is a parody, but is something that COULD happen, in the NEAR future. Is this the beginning of a coup to overthrow this wanna-be dictator? Maybe. An attempt by the British at gun control in the colonies was the spark that ignited the revolutionary war that created this nation and booted the British out as running it. Could it happen again? (Bearing Arms)

"More Guns, Less Violence"

I've been saying this for a long time, and government dweebs have been denying it. But facts have intervened. The figures are now in: according to Obama's own Centers for Disease Control (why they should be keeping figures on gun control is beyond me) gun violence has GONE DOWN 50% from 1993 to 2013, and the reason for it is more guns in the hands of honest, law-abiding people. The feds keep pushing the idea that gun violence has INCREASED in recent years, when the facts show that's a LIE. The only kind of gun violence INCREASING is “mass shootings” engendered by liberal propaganda. Cops try their best to HIDE that fact, attributing it to many things, including computer use in policing and an improving economy (which is a real “pipe dream”), but the facts negate their lies. Figures show the last 20 years to be the SAFEST in recent years—and it's all because of more guns in the hands of law-abiding people, which makes life increasingly harder for ILLEGALLY-armed criminals. (CNS)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Damfool Politicians!

When are we going to get some INTELLIGENT politicians in office? Probably not until we institute a way to make sure the people who vote know SOMETHING about what is happening now, and what has happened in the past. Every time a “mass shooting” happens, our ignorant politicians (which are most of them) cry out for more of the kind of “gun control” laws that failed to prevent the shooting in the first place. Even though those laws are USELESS, they want to pass more of the same. Someone once said, “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is the DEFINITION of INSANITY.” We need to pass some laws that punish the USE of a gun in the commission of a crime. Maybe even make it a death sentence offense to use a gun in the commission of a crime because the threat when they do it is murder.

But none of our current politicians in office seem INTELLIGENT enough to figure this out for themselves. So we need to get rid of them and find some who are INTELLIGENT. The problem is NOT the gun. It's the character of the person HOLDING the gun. Current laws only serve to DISARM honest, law-abiding people while IGNORING the guns bought ILLEGALLY by criminals and crazies. We need to change that. Maybe make a law banning the opposition to PROFILING. Then people who SEE potential shooters preparing for their shooting spree will come forward and TELL the cops what they've seen without fear of being labeled a “profiler.” Or a “racist.” (World Net Daily)

It Happened Again

Every day now, there's another one. This time in Neenah, WI. And I'm waiting (it won't be long, now) before Obama and other fools go on TV and demand more of the USELESS laws now on the books that FAILED to prevent yet another shooting spree. It's so predictable that we don't need to wait for it, and we can probably tell you exactly what he'll be saying as he works HARD to disarm Americans. Obama, apparently WANTS us to be completely DEFENSELESS when idiots walk in and start killing us. Mass shootings ARE increasing as he goes about doing everything he can to make it easier for them to kill us without opposition, until “men with guns” arrive to oppose them AFTER they've already killed a bunch of innocent people. It goes without saying that if a few people were there with their own guns, maybe they could have killed the shooter BEFORE he was able to kill people, instead of AFTER. And such shootings will only INCREASE as more and more “Syrian refugees” (many of whom ARE Islamic terrorists) come here, at OUR expense, whether we like it, or not. (WGN)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Total Incompetence

The New York Daily News cover illustration shows graphically how incompetent some people are. Everybody, from Obama on down, really think simply making a LAW limiting the number of people who can have guns will stop gun violence. They ignore the unalterable fact that criminals don't OBEY laws. Neither do crazies, nor Islamic terrorists, who are coming here by the hundreds of thousands, at taxpayer expense, whether we like it, or not. Our demagogic president is seeing to it.

They continue to do so, even as continuing events prove that, time and time again. That's INCOMPETENCE. Both in governing, for politicians, and in reporting, for the media. And there seems to be no end to their opposition to reality. They slam people who pray after such shootings with a cover that says, “God Isn't Fixing This.” In their anti-gun cover, they compare the “permanent vice-president of the NRA to the many rabid crazy killers because he supports the idea that DISARMING Americans does NOT lead to self-defense. (VanityFair)

We're Being Led By Fools!

That's the only thing I can figure when I see some of the ignorant ideas and decisions of the liberals now in power. First, and most important is Obama's REFUSAL to admit that Islamic terrorists are a major threat to us, while he PAYS the way for hundreds of thousands of Islamic terrorists to come here, using taxpayer money, even though taxpayers have shown him they are unalterably OPPOSED to it. Soon, those “Syrian refugees” will begin killing people indiscriminately here, as they have elsewhere and he will STILL deny they are a real threat. Then there is his (and other liberals') idea that all you have to do is make a LAW against criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists carrying guns, and they will obey it.

Even though ANY intelligent person KNOWS different. And the creation of “gun-free zones” is complete incompetence. They are an open invitation to those who want to shoot into a crowd of innocent people in such “zones” to do so, with no fear of there being guns in the hands of law-abiding people. Last, but by no means least, it is the liberal idea that it is okay for a MAN to be able to urinate right beside a woman, in a WOMAN'S restroom, because he THINKS he is a woman, although he STILL has a penis. That's the HEIGHTS of stupidity, and the judges who go along with it should be removed from the bench, and confined to an insane asylum. (Twitchy)

Monday, December 7, 2015

"Mass Shooter Magnets"

Wherever there is a “gun-free zone,” there is a perfect place for a crazy mass shooter to come and kill people without fear of the existence of a gun in the hands of law-abiding people. A list of locations for mass shooters includes: public schools, military bases, movie theaters, post offices, and mass transit. Funny: a list of “gun-free zones” includes ALL of these. Very few mass shooters have chosen areas that are NOT “gun-free zones” in which to do their killing. They're crazy, not stupid! And as the Islamic terrorists Obama is importing by the hundreds of thousands start their shooting and killing sprees, they too, will mostly choose “gun-free zones.” Probably the best way to avoid getting shot to death is to stay out of “gun-free zones.” But that's hard to do as the anti-gun fools keep creating more of them. For instance: I have to go to Target Stores on a regular basis because that's where I get my prescriptions filled. All their stores ARE “gun-free zones.” I'll have to change that. I don't want to get shot. (Survival Joe)

Are YOU On A "No Fly List?"

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if you were, The reasons for putting you on it are very FLUID (vague), allowing him to designate just about anybody to be on it, and stop them from owning guns. Especially since now Obama is using the no fly list and the “terrorist watch list” as an excuse to stop everybody on them from buying guns. The no fly list had only 47,000 names on it when Bush left office. But it skyrocketed to 700,000 under Obama (so far). Steven Hayes, a senior writer for The Weekly Standard, a publication I'm sure Obama regards as one of his enemies, and is a fox News contributor, is on it. That tells me I'm probably on it, too-- or will be, soon. The reasons stated in their 166 page description of how the names to go on that list (written by Obama, of course) are decided probably, knowing Obama, includes ANYBODY who writes something he doesn't like, as I do, every day.

That document is so loosely written and vague he can put ANYBODY on it. What it is, is yet another way to stop people from owning guns, without his having to pass a new law, in contravention of the U. S. Constitution. He doesn't mind violating the Constitution, but only when he can't find a way to get his way without doing it. I expect these lists to grow exponentially as Obama finds more and more people who don't agree with him and puts their names on it.  There's nothing to stop him. Liberals (and conservatives) raised a lot of hell when they found out about Nixon''s “enemies list,” but they won't about these lists, because he can explain them away. But these lists are clearly being used as an “enemies list.” But the worst part of it is that they don't have to tell you if your name is on one of these lists and you'll never find out until you try to fly or do something else they don't like. (Town Hall)

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The "Peculiar Wording"

The New York times calls the wording of the Second Amendment “peculiar.” But it's only peculiar to them. It was VERY meaningful to the Founders, who intended that ALL AMERICANS should be armed so the government could “call them up” any time they were needed for its defense. At the time, there were NO “organized militias, as there are today. So the wording is NOT “peculiar.” The New York Times, being run by radical liberals, just cannot see that fact, so they call the wording “peculiar.” They just can't get it through their thick skulls that DISARMING us is NOT the way to defense! But then, most liberals are that stupid. Read the article and see all the LIES they tell, as do all anti-gun fools. (New YorkTimes)

"Knee-Jerk Response"

Emphasis on “jerk.” Every time somebody kills a few people, Obama and his cronies “come out swinging”and calling for more of the same “gun control” laws that failed to stop the shootings he's responding to. That shows an unspeakable STUPIDITY on his (and their) part. They CAN'T be ignorant of the fact that these laws don't do a thing to stop gun violence, but they insist on making even more of them. They push background checks, which MIGHT do some good AFTER THE FACT if the guns used are LEGALLY bought, which they rarely are. They push “gun-free zones,” which are an “engraved invitation” to would-be mass shooters to come there and murder people.

Laws requiring things like gun locks and gun safes that make it impossible to get a gun into action fast enough for self defense against a criminal who already has his gun out and pointed. These laws ALL make it impossible for people to defend themselves and we get criticized for wanting to have the means for defending ourselves. This imbecile who CONNED his way into the Oval Office is bound and determined to make us DEFENSELESS. Why is that? Is he “in league” with the terrorists? Does he want to make sure federal agents don't run into guns when they come to TAKE what's ours? Is he a traitor to everything American? I think it's all of the above. (Just common sense)

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Wrong Direction, As Usual

What is WITH our ignorant politicians, that their “knee-jerk reaction” to mass shootings is to try and disarm more honest, law-abiding Americans, thus making them completely DEFENSELESS when crazies come to kill us? In San Brenardino, California, the two shooters who KILLED 13 people and wounded 21 at that Christmas party could have been shot and killed immediately if there had been a few guns there in the hands of the potential victims. The same is true in that Paris atrocity, both of which can be traced back to Obama's ALLOWING Muslim terrorists into this country (while France follows suit) against the expressed wishes of Americans. DISARMING us is NOT the way to self-defense. But Obama and his cronies are too stupid to know that—or their goal is to KEEP us disarmed, so we won't be much of a deterrent to the Islamic terrorists, whose way he is PAYING to come here to kill us, in the GUISE of “refugees.” He will not hear of objections to this, and even calls objectors “unAmerican,” or “racist.” But Americans know how to defend themselves. Which is why gun sales have gone “through the roof,” much to Obama's consternation. (Liberty Alliance)

"Gun Buyback" A Total Failure

In Greensboro, NC, they hosted a”gun buyback” program that offered no money, figuring their citizens would VOLUNTARILY turn in their weapons for no pay. Those “buybacks” that did offer money got only old, useless guns nobody wanted any more, so thugs could use the money to get newer, usable guns. This particular “buyback” scored ONE BB gun and some BBs, and ONE knife. That's IT. But it was hailed as a complete success with 1000 people coming in. Unfortunately, they did not have guns to turn in. The program was a total failure, but they told the press it was a success, so nobody would know the truth. That's how anti-gun fools operate. Lie, lie, and lie some more to cover up their losses. (Second Amendment Insider)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Boxer Is An Imbecile!

She is saying that the killings in San Bernardino, California prove that “sensible gun laws work.” How would she know? We don't HAVE any “sensible gun laws” in effect. She thinks because gun crimes are going down a bit in California, that their tight gun laws work. What this myopic old bag doesn't consider is that gun crime is going down all over the United States, because almost 40 states have made it easier for citizens to get “carry permits,” which has caused the death or capture of many armed criminals. In some places, as much as 50%. A number California has not even gotten close to. It's a good thing she is “retiring.” We don't need such myopic legislators, ANYWHERE. Unfortunately, we still have way too many idiots like her still in office. We will change that in the next election (I hope), because it seems the electorate has grown smarter and more INTELLIGENT people are voting, which meant massive losses for Democrats in the last THREE elections. If their laws to disarm honest, law-abiding people didn't stop these shooters, what the hell good ARE they? (Guy Benson)

"Legal Guns the Problem?"

That's what Obama says. But if conservatives own 2 MILLION guns, 12 million rounds of ammunition, you'd know it. Why haven't we seen evidence of it? Because Obama is lying, as usual, to support his phony narrative. Why he wants to disarm honest, law-abiding people would be a mystery If I didn't already know Obama is a secret Muslim sympathizer if he isn't a Muslim, period—a thing which he has CONFIRMED several times. Why doesn't Obama “tumble” to this? Because he's too stupid, and has other purposes in mind, namely DISARMING as many Americans as he can when his thugs come to take what's theirs, so they won't run into a gun. He knows as long as many Americans are armed, he can't subjugate them and make slaves out of them. Adolph Hitler knew that as long as the people were armed, they were safe from efforts to enslave them. So he's working HARD to disarm honest people. (Survival Joe/Bob Owens)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Way Too Often

Mass shootings these days are happening way too often to suit me, or anybody else, except the shooters. And Obama and the rest of the government can't figure out what to do about it. Their only answer is to stop LEGAL gun sales for honest people. They establish “no-gun zones” (which “bad guys ignore), create databases of gun owners, and require gun buyers to “jump through many hoops” to be able to buy a gun. Many times they require them to “show cause” why they might need a gun. Today's news is ample “cause” in my book. We could be attacked, anywhere, at any time. We MUST be ready.

With people showing up “out of the blue” wherever crowds gather and shooting indiscriminately into the crowd, not to speak about individual shooters like the man in Chicago who came into a convenience store and was holding a clerk at gunpoint when he was shot to death by a legally-armed customer, to the consternation of the criminal's family, who thought he was a “good boy just trying to get his life back in order.” Obama and his goons try their best (worst) to DISARM America, which is the WORST thing he (and other politicians) could do, since making ourselves DEFENSELESS is not the way to self-defense. Very few of the mass shooters or criminals who use guns to do violence get their guns legally. And if they do it kinda proves all their laws don't do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down, gun violence, somehow the “bad guys” always get their guns.

And with Obama approving 100,000 Islamic terrorists (in some case, paying their way) to come here, the gun violence is going to go up. The Muslim psyche is to get a gun and go shoot anybody who displeases them, even if they aren't Muslim extremists, And with most of those “Muslim refugees” coming in being MEN of a “fighting age, gun violence can only get worse, laws or no laws. We have to be PREPARED to oppose them. There is no better defense than an offense. And without our own guns, there IS no offense. All we can do is run or be dead when faced with a fool with a gun. I've only owned a gun once in my life, back when my business required me to carry a lot of money over the weekend when banks were closed (There were no ATMs back then).

But that's going to change. I WILL have a gun. Anybody who tries to attack me is going to get a surprise. If he shoots me it will be the last thing he does in his life. But it's time our politicians “wised up” and figured out that all their highly touted gun laws have not made a whit of difference, and let us defend ourselves. Will that increase gun violence? Maybe, for a while, as we teach those “bad guys” a lesson and get rid of most of them. But in the long run, crime and just shootings will go down, and we can begin to live in a little more peace. As Robert Heinlein said, “An armed society is a polite society.” Obama says, “We're making it a little harder for bad guys to get guns.” Not a bit of it. His laws are making it EASIER. And will continue to do so until he and other politicians get some COMMON SENSE. (Just common sense)

Why Have Laws?

I just heard a fool on FOX, fergawdsakes, say, “If criminals don't obey laws (which is the crux of pro-gunner's argument), why have laws at all? That was a stupid question and reflects complete misunderstanding of our argument. It's not the laws, it's laws that will WORK that need to be made. Laws to make it a death sentence for ANYBODY who uses a gun in the commission of a crime whether or not they kill anybody. That way, they'll never get out of jail to resume their life of violent crime after getting caught, once. That will act as a deterrent in two ways. First, if they're dead, they can't commit violent crimes. Second, it will cause the reduction in existing violent criminals as they figure out the penalty is too severe for them to use a gun or they get killed by honest gun owners. And we need to make laws that allow honest people to be armed, so more often the criminals will run into guns in the hands of their intended victims if they try it. We can't make laws that work to keep them from GETTING their guns, so let's make them to punish those who use them for violent crime as severely as possible to get them off the streets and KEEP them off the streets. (Just common sense)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Blaming the Good Guy

It has almost become routine for the families of robbers who got shot during an armed robbery where he was holding people at gunpoint to blame the shooter who shot him before he could shoot innocent people during the robbery. Too bad. Nobody with any intelligence at all gives any credence to their demands. Mommy will never realize that her son was a degenerate loser who would eventually (if he hasn't already) kill someone during his chosen life of crime. And it was only the act of this honest man with a gun who stopped him. Sometimes permanently. I would express to her my sorrow at the death or injury to her son—if I felt any. I have no sympathy for a fool who does armed robberies getting shot or killed for his trouble. The only sorrow I can feel is for the shooter not just killing the SOB if the fool survived. Notice, all these fool robbers seem to be black. Or is it “politically incorrect” to point out the truth? (Bearing Arms)

New Military Branch?

Figures show Americans bought enough guns on “Black Friday” to create a new military branch.” Obama told Americans he wanted them to “talk about gun control” over Thanksgiving dinner. So they did. Then they went out on “Black Friday” and bought enough guns to outfit another military organization the size of the entire Marine Corps, with enough left over to equip 2 Army Divisions. I guess you have your answer, Barack. It's a big “screw you!” I'd have put it less delicately, but that'll do. Maybe from this, Obama will finally realize his “gun control” efforts are diametrically OPPOSED by a majority of Americans and stop them. Naaahhh! He isn't intelligent enough to learn from things like this. It just makes him wet his pants, stomp his foot, and threaten even more “administrative action.” He is just a big baby when he gets opposition. (Bearing Arms)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

I'm Still Looking

Still looking for a story by the liberal media about a man being shot by a “concealed carrier” while attempting to conduct an armed robbery (with an illegal gun, usually) who is white. I would be happy to find one (even though sad for the victim), but, so far, I can't. Liberals will say what I say is “politically incorrect,” as reporting the truth often is. They also whine about the high percentage of blacks in prison and nobody (but people like me) talk about the reason for that being that more blacks commit crimes than anyone else. This does not say I think ALL blacks are criminals. Don't put words in my mouth. That's a fool's game. Most black people are fine, upstanding people. Only a small part of their people are degenerate criminals. This particular black man opened fire on four people, one of them ONE year old, before a “concealed carrier” shot him. Of course, his family will probably want charges to be filed against the man who shot him. A forlorn hope. (Bearing Arms)

You wanted It, You Got It

Those “useful idiots,” the fools who agree with the fools who started the “Black Lives Matter” scam wanted there to be an increase in cops shooting blacks, so they could bray about it some more. Well, you got it. There seems to be a significant upward motion in the number of cops shooting suspects. Most of them are cops DEFENDING THEMSELVES from surprise attacks from thugs who think it is “open season” on cops. Cops everywhere are SUPER vigilant, everywhere they go, and are much quicker to shoot today than before the Ferguson, MO crap. And rightly so, with many unsuspecting cops (in the early days of the movement) being shot and killed for no reason except that they're cops.

The fools who want to kill cops don't ride around in well-marked cars, wearing distinctive uniforms with a shiny “target on their chests. So the thugs do have an initial advantage. But they usually die, after the cops became sufficiently alerted. The cops are better armed, better trained, and will manage to kill many more thugs than thugs kill cops. But things are going perfectly for the fools who started it all, hoping to make cops suffer. But I predict it will be the thugs who suffer, in the long run. In some areas, “authorities” are “mystified” at this rise, and can't seem to figure out the cause. But they're wearing blinders. The cause is “Black Lives Matter” and the unspoken invitation to kill cops. (NY Daily News)