Thursday, April 18, 2019

To Destroy Self Defense

I’ve been trying, for some time, to figure what the real purpose of gun control is, since none of their efforts have done a single thing to stop, or even slow down, “gun crime.” Yet they keep insisting on making more and more of their useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that do nothing except make “easy targets” of law abiding people who obey laws, while criminals and other miscreants just ignore them and get their guns illegally. After much thought and consideration, I have come to a conclusion; that they aren’t after “gun control,” they’re after PEOPLE control. They want to be able to tell us what we can, and cannot do. What we can buy and use, and what we can’t buy and use, whether it be a gun, or anything else. They figure that if they can get rid of the very concept of self defense, and be able to tell us we cannot buy and use legal products, they can extend that to everything. Liberals (Dumocrats) have a favorite saying: “it’s a good start.” Meaning that any small victory they get “paves the way” for more. And I believe their primary goal is to get that power, and gun control is the avenue to it. (Just common sense)

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