Tuesday, April 9, 2019

It's A Scam

The Stormy Daniels thing is a scam from the word "go." So she had a one-night stand with Donald Trump, a decade or more ago. Before he even thought of running for president. So what? So a man claiming to have given her a lot of money to stay quiet about it. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Maybe he was representing Trump, or he wasn't. There is only her UNSUPPORTED WORD that it ever happened, and if it did, SO WHAT? And what is she after now? Another payoff? Notoriety leading to more “gigs?” What's her purpose in bringing it up--now--with an important election looming? Sounds like a setup, to me. The kind the Dumocrats are famous for. And that fabled "death threat," and the professional, model-looking picture of the "threatener" is just more of the same. Of course, Bill Clinton did much worse, but that never bothered the Dumocrats. Only if they think they can prove it on a Republican does it ever bother them. It amazes me that this never seems to occur to many Dumocrats. (Just common sense)

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