Friday, April 19, 2019

Just the Sound Enough

All it took for one Memphis homeowner to “run off” a would-be home invader was to close the bolt on his AR-15. That poor burglar is probably still running. Fool politicians keep saying “honest people don’t need AR-15s, but criminals do.” They don’t even realize the contradiction that is. If the criminals have an AR-15, a handgun likely isn’t going to be of much use against it. The good guy NEEDS an AR-15 to “have parity” in armament with that criminal. The cops certainly have added automatic weapons to their armament, after that LA bank robbery where they had to go to a gun store and BORROW some automatic rifles, since they were out-gunned. Anti-gun fools commonly make stupid statements like that, because there ISN’T any good reasons to DISARM the populace in the face of criminals getting their guns, any way they can. The way to defend yourself is NOT to disarm yourself. That is FOLLY. But anti-gun fools firmly believe it is. They’re stupid that way. (Truth About Guns)

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