Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Cal Gun Ownership Doubles

In California, which has anti-gun laws that almost (almost) deny gun ownership to ANYBODY who is not a government employee of one kind or another has seen the number of guns purchased DOUBLE between 2008 and 2018. How that happened is problematic. That’s according to figures released by the California Department of Justice. Of course, this article admits those figures “might” be an “undercount” of the numbers of guns in California.” Ya think? Such figures ALWAYS “undercount,” because they do not consider the ILLEGALLY-owned guns—as usual. Meanwhile, legal ownership of guns nationally has been “flat.” They say the increase in gun ownership in California is due to “political considerations” and “concern for personal safety.” Ya THINK? To those of us who can THINK, personal safety is number ONE in their consideration. The NRA says many of the gun sales are in anticipation of even more restrictive anti-gun laws in the state. Again, Ya THINK? As usual, the laws they pass have “unintended consequences.” They HOPE they will DISCOURAGE people from wanting to have a gun. In reality, it has spurred a DOUBLING in gun ownership of LEGAL guns, and an uncountable increase in the ILLEGAL ownership of guns. The upshot is, their tight gun laws have worked in the OPPOSITE direction from what they planned. (Washington Free Beacon)

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