Monday, April 1, 2019

Balance of Power

I think people who can THINK need to ask why the feds are “stockpiling weapons” while at the same time trying their best to DISARM the populace, even though the Second Amendment to the Constitution prohibits them from doing that. Is there an ulterior motive there? Are they planning to “move on us” and want to reduce the possibility they will run into guns when they come to take what is not theirs? Their anti-gun laws, while they do tend to reduce the number of LEGAL guns there are in the hands of the law-abiding, do NOTHING to reduce the numbers of ILLEGAL guns already in the hands or the law BREAKERS. Who do they think they’re fooling? The ignorant, maybe, but certainly not people with the ability to THINK logically. The more LEGAL guns they take out of the equation, the easier it will be for them to victimize those who do obey their silly laws. They will never be able to do anything about those illegal guns out there, because they concentrate only on the LEGAL guns. They know those holding illegal guns won’t be a problem when they come for our property because those holding illegal guns will be doing the same—just without the LAW to back them up. (The National Sentinel)

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