Thursday, April 25, 2019

Anti-Gun Fools Lie

They tell us that anti-gun laws in other countries that do not have a Second Amendment have “STOPPED gun crime in its tracks.” Only one problem. It’s usually a LIE. Look at Australia, for example. After the 1966 Port Arthur mass shooting with its 39 dead, Australia made strict gun control laws and hasn’t had a mass shooting since. That’s what the anti-gun fools tell us, anyway, and it’s a LIE. Using the FBI definition of a mass shooting as one in which 3 or more people are killed in a single event, the Hunt family murders in 2014 qualify. The husband killed his wife and three children with a gun. Then there was the Wright St. Bikie murders. Those were the result of a biker feud. Not all killings are by gun. Predictably, when guns are hard to come by, they use other tools. Such as the Churchill Fire in 2009 that killed ten people, and the same year five members of the Lin family were bludgeoned to death. Just last year, five people were bashed or stabbed to death in Bedford, Australia, near Perth. They talk about other countries, too, and, as usual, they’re lying. They use different definitions of what IS a mass shooting to come up with lower figures, or no figures, at all. But if you look honestly, mass killings still happen, and some are done by guns. (Bearing Arms)

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