Tuesday, April 23, 2019

It's A Definite Trend

Local officials are “wising up” and allowing teachers to bring their legally-carried guns to school with them, so that a potential mass shooter will not be able to locate and dispense with (kill) the uniformed “resource officer” at that school, first thing, before their killing spree. They will have no way of knowing which teachers are armed, and that will have a “chilling effect” on mass shooters who want to kill innocent children. Most politicians remain stupid, trying their best to make all attendees at schools defenseless when a murderer comes calling. I’ve been saying this is the way to go for a long time, and I guess even stupid politicians sometimes “wise up,” under pressure from their constituents. Keeping guns away from all schools is really stupid, and counter productive. But the anti-gun fools continue to mandate it wherever they can. Background checks do nothing to stop such shootings; “Gun-free zones” not only do nothing to stop school shootings because the bad guys just ignore them. “Safe storage laws” only make it impossible for a law-abiding person to get his gun into action fast enough to deal with a bad guy, who already has his illegal gun in hand, to threaten him/her. None of this crap works, but the anti-gun fools persist in supporting the making of such laws. I guess they take stupid pills. (Guns and America)

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