Thursday, April 4, 2019

"Good Guy With A Gun"

Anti-gun fools say it never happens, but it happens many times every year. A “good guy with a gun” stops a criminal with an ILLEGAL gun from victimizing honest, law-abiding people. And it happened again in Christchurch, New Zealand, when a deranged gunman waltzed into a Mosque with plans to kill a bunch of Muslims. I don’t know how many lives that guy saved, but he “ran off” the shooter with his own LEGAL gun. The shooter went on to another mosque and killed even more Muslims while they were praying. I have a few problems with that religion, but not with the people who practice it. Principally the “threat” to kill you if you don’t “knuckle under” and convert, and their treatment of women. But that is not to say that ALL Muslims are “bad people.” They’re not. And they should not be subjected to this kind of tragedy from an uninformed, ignorant fool. The shooter ranted about the “Muslim invasion” and wanted to “do his part” in stopping it. He may be right that SOME of the Muslims who immigrate there MAY be Muslim extremists, but his method is NOT the way to combat it. I don’t think we should elect Muslims to political office, but I don’t favor killing them while they pray. I think we should leave them alone, UNLESS they do something bad, then THAT Muslim should be punished, as would be any American. The reason I think we should not elect them to office is that they have a very different way of thinking that is not compatible with our way of governing. But otherwise they should be left alone. Terrorism against Muslims is just as bad as terrorism against non-Muslims, and should not happen. AOC “jumped in” and blamed the shooting on the NRA, which only further illustrates her abject stupidity. (Breitbart)

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