Monday, April 15, 2019

Law of Self Defense

They’re asking if that old man (“security guard?”) at a MacDonald’s was justified in drawing his gun while being beat up by two thugs. I say YES! Absolutely! It stopped them from ganging up on him and he only showed it to them. If he had fired as they were running away, THEN the answer would be no. Liberals are far too quick to judge without being subjected to the same situation. And they don’t like ANY self defense use of a gun, even if not a single shot is fired. I’d like to ask them how they would have stopped those thugs from beating THEM up? I doubt if they would have an answer. Liberals are quick to criticize people for lawfully defending themselves, but at the same tie they have no answers when asked how they would have handled that situation if they were the victims. They HAVE no answers, only baseless criticism of ANY use of a gun, even if it is legal. They are just trying to eliminate the “law of self defense.” Period. (Just common sense)

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