Monday, April 8, 2019

No Due Process

“Red Flag Laws” should be all declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court for several reasons. Chief among those is the fact that they are an “infringement” on a constitutional right, on their face. Second, they allow a disgruntled neighbor to decide somebody is a danger to himself or others—something he is not qualified to do—and get a person’s guns “confiscated” without due process. Sometimes in a surprise pre-dawn raid on someone who has probably not committed any crime. That, alone, should cause the Supremes to declare the laws unconstitutional. “Red Flag Laws” are the latest in the incessant campaign to outlaw self defense by making it illegal to OWN a gun. They allow “authorities” to raid your home and confiscate all your guns, on the unsupported OPINION of someone who may have a grudge against you. Or someone who was set up (or paid) to complain, making it possible for them to confiscate your guns WITHOUT “probable cause” that you might be a danger. Of course, if you WERE a danger, confiscating your LEGAL guns would not stop you from them going out and getting a gun ILLEGALLY—which is what people bent on bloody murder do. (Truth About Guns)

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