Monday, April 22, 2019

They Really Dunit!

A “lower court has ruled California’s high-capacity (10 bullets) magazine ban unconstitutional. Of course, the state is going to appeal it to the liberal Ninth (Circus) Circuit Court, and you never know what will happen there. But President Trump has caused conservative inroads there, as everywhere. Maybe enough, maybe not yet. So the result there is in question. I wouldn’t push it yet, Californians. With those liberal fools still in charge, they may still be enforcing it until then, and they may balk then, if it is upheld. And if it is not, “Katie Bar The Door!” Other states will waste no time following suit. The Court said, “[G]overnments cannot turn ‘millions of responsible, law-abiding people trying to protect themselves into criminals” for simply exercising their Second Amendment rights.” That is absolutely right. They also said, “A magazine ban is a gun ban,” which is patently unconstitutional. Banning any part of a gun and what it takes to use it is an “infringement on the right to be armed for self defense,” and is unconstitutional. I personally think President Trump’s effect on the judiciary is responsible here, as the courts all become more conservative and stop ruling on silly things such as foreign law, and go back to ruling, based on OUR Constitution, as they are supposed to do. (Update: the court stayed its decision for a week, and millions of high-capacity magazines were sold in that week) (Ammoland)

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