Monday, April 1, 2019

These People Are Stupid!

It’s either that, or they have some ulterior motive in all their anti-gun fool efforts. They have to know their fool laws don’t work. They don’t stop a single instance of gun violence. All they do is disarm the law-abiding, who OBEY laws, while making it easier for the law breakers, who do NOT obey laws, to victimize the law-abiding. How this is supposed to “end gun violence” is a mystery to me, and I’m getting very tired of writing the same words over and over again, and being ignored. Gun buybacks, for instance. People bring in old, useless guns, and get money to buy newer, useful guns. “Gun-free zones?” They are a MAGNET for law breakers to come in and shoot people in a place where the bad guys can be pretty sure the law-abiding will not be armed, and able to defend themselves. While the law breakers routinely bring their guns. I could write the same things about every anti-gun law they’ve ever made, but what good would that do, if the anti-gun fools just ignore me and go right on making their laws that are USELESS to reduce gun violence while, at the same time making it easier for those who commit gun violence to victimize the law-abiding, by disarming them. If they ever came up with something that would WORK, I’d be right with them, but I’m not holding my breath until that happens. (Just Common sense)

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