Friday, April 5, 2019

Did It 13 Times

The anti-gun fools confidently tell us that a “good guy with a gun” NEVER “saves the day” when he confronts a “bad guy with a gun.” But it has happened millions of times—times they ignore, and the liberal media refuses to report, except maybe a few LOCAL reports, not taken up by the national media. It happened 13 times in February, all over the country. The link below shows a list of them. Bearing Arms has even dedicated an entire section of their web site to telling these stories. One of the favorite things used by the anti-gun fools is the “gun-free zone,” which is a terrible failure, as almost ALL mass shootings HAPPEN in “gun-free zones.” They are an “engraved invitation” to would-be shooters to “come in and kill a few people.” But anti-gun fools insist on making even more of them. The same is true of all the other laws they see made. They don’t work. But they keep making them, DISARMING honest, law-abiding people, making them “easy targets” for those people who IGNORE their laws and use guns to kill us, anyway. (Red Star)

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