Thursday, April 11, 2019

Bloomberg Writes An Article

In it, he DEMANDS that the Supreme Court, in the person of Chief Justice Roberts, “Follow New Zealand’s lead,” and ban all assault rifles. He thinks first of all, that Justice Roberts gives a damn what Bloomberg says and will actually DO it. And second, if he does, it will “put a stop to gun violence.” This kind of stupidity seems to run through hack politicians in all countries. Most have been proven to be stupid. Maybe they all take stupid pills. Whatever, their approach to “gun violence” is ALWAYS to make more and more of the stupid laws that have done NOTHING to prevent gun violence, while congratulating themselves on a “job well done.” Meanwhile, gun crime continues, unabated. They just can’t get it through their thick skulls that making laws to keep guns (only) out of the hands of the law-abiding does not work. Criminals and mass shooters continue to get their guns, legally or illegally, and then kill people. As long as they target the guns, not the shooters, this will continue. They will congratulate themselves while more people die from their stupidity. (Bloomberg Opinion)

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