Friday, April 19, 2019

Overdoing It

California “Attorney General” Xavier Bacerra (a Dumocrat, of course) says those who want to have guns for self defense (a constitutional RIGHT) are “mass murderers,” just by wanting to own a gun. Talk about going “way over the top!” He’s pushing one of the anti-gun fools’ favorite things, a ban on magazines that hold more than ten rounds, and is meeting opposition from citizens, who apparently aren’t anti-gun fools like he is. So now he’s “lashing out” at them. Unfortunately, he is in an elected position, so he can’t be fired for stupidity. And what he is promoting IS stupidity, considering the fact that it will not stop a single fool from getting a gun, even with a high-capacity magazine, and killing a bunch of innocent people. I’d hate to be his wife. He probably comes home after each defeat and slaps her around a little in his frustration that he couldn’t get his favorite BS passed into law. This is the kind of politician who should never have been allowed NEAR the place where he must go to RUN for anything. He’s too stupid to be elected to ANYTHING. (Town Hall)

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