Tuesday, April 16, 2019

FOID Card Unconstitutional

It’s jist turribl! This little lady had a rifle in her home without having gone to a state bureaucrat, hat in hand, asking for PERMISSION to own one. She didn’t give the bureaucrats their paperwork. The circuit judge decided the very idea of having to apply for PERMISSION to own a gun was unconstitutional. The state plans to appeal this to the Supreme Court, but I don’t expect it to be reversed, since having to ask PERMISSION to exercise a constitutional right IS unconstitutional on it’s face. I’m not even a lawyer or a judge and I can see that. I just don’t understand where elected or unelected bureaucrats get the idea they have the power to force a citizen to ask PERMISSION to exercise a constitutional right. But these fools exceed their authority all the time, and get away with it. Their arrogant violations of the law are rampant. Fortunately, in this case, even a LOCAL judge recognized that excess, and reversed it. The judge later revised his ruling and widened it’s effect when he noted that the statute under which she was charged was too wide, and was impossible to obey. (Truth About Guns)

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