Thursday, April 4, 2019

Oughta Be A Crime

What liberals call “gun control” ought to be a crime that is punishable. Those trying to get anti-gun fool laws passed ought to be punished for it just as “fomenting a riot” is, because those very laws are unconstitutional and thus ILLEGAL. So just fostering their passage should be punishable. Maybe a fine, maybe even imprisonment. That would certainly “dry up” the introduction of anti-gun bills. Of course, that will never happen, because the very people it would affect the most would have to pass it into law, and they aren’t going to do it, no more than they are going to put in term limits. The Constitution clearly states that, “...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” And every law that pretends to limit access of law-abiding people to the guns they need to defend themselves from the criminals who IGNORE “gun laws” IS “an infringement.” Of course, the fools who want desperately to pass such laws have recently been heard to complain about “that damned Constitution,” as if it were just a hindrance, instead of being the very BASIS for all the laws in this country that they can’t get around. (Just common sense)

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