Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Making Money from Death

And they’re not even morticians! The New Zealand government made it a criminal offense, just to OWN a copy of the video their latest mass shooter made of his crime, so they could SELL copies for $102.00 (I assume while issuing something that makes owning one they bought, not a crime). Talk about “cashing in” on mass murder! It sure must be fun to be in the “government racket.” They figure out many ways to cash in on being the government. Now just in NZ, but everywhere. They make laws in such a way as to ENABLE making money, off the top of which they can skim, for themselves. A good example is the recent dropping of all charges against actor Jussie Smollett after he agreed to “forfeit his $10,000.00 bail money (can you say “payoff,” anybody?) I can’t really think of any other reason to GIVE the City of Chicago $10,000.00. Now they’re suing for the $100,000.00 they SAY it cost them to “investigate” it. And every time a gun goes off, anywhere, they jump right up and make even more laws, requiring payment, from someone, for the “right” to own a gun. Well knowing those laws and payments do NOTHING to “reduce gun crime.” (Libertarian)

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