Friday, April 12, 2019

"Most Dangerous Weapons"

Eric Swalwell wants to get rid of “the most dangerous weapons” out there. Oh? Does he mean weapons that fire bullets? I don’t really see how you can define what weapons are the “most dangerous.” All fire bullets, and it seems to me that’s about as dangerous as it gets. The anti-gun fools like to paint people who demand their constitutional gun rights as being “gun nuts” who just use guns for target shooting, mostly. There’s no other use for a gun in the hands of the law-abiding, right? WRONG! The main use for a gun is to defend against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there, in the hands of criminals, who use them to victimize the law-abiding, when they’re not shooting each other without a care about innocent bystanders who may get in the way of their bullets. Then there are the guns used to protect the politicians who want to take away that right from the rest of us. You wouldn’t believe how many anti-gun politicians themselves own guns or, if not, HIRE gun-toting “security.” Many of them show up at anti-gun rallies with their armed security. One memorable such instance was when the NY governor joined an anti-gun demonstration while his “gimlet-eyed” armed security stood by, alert for danger. Then there is the loudest mouth against guns, Senator Feinstein, who is a “licensed carrier” and carries her own gun, in case her armed security is not enough. These people are hypocrites who just want to disarm the populace so their minions won’t run into as many guns when they come to take what is not theirs. (Just common sense)

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