Friday, April 26, 2019

Rehabilitating the NRA?

Who the hell thinks the NRA needs “rehabilitating? Only the people the NRA was created to oppose, those who want to violate the Second amendment, which guarantees our right to “bear arms. The NRA does not NEED to be “rehabilitated.” Only the ignorant think they do. They talk about the “financial difficulties” they are facing, as if that were the most important thing in the world. It is not. Any large organization will occasionally have “financial difficulties,” and the NRA is no different. They will solve them, and still be the implacable enemy of those who want to disarm America. I have my own problems with the NRA, but, by and large, they do a good job of defending the Second Amendment, even though they may fail in some cases. It strikes me as pretty stupid for some people to try and criminalize an organization whose one simple goal is to support a constitutional right. Only the ignorant want to do that, but among the anti-gun fools there is no shortage of ignorant people. Yes, they have some “financial woes.” But “this too, shall pass,” and they will continue their work. If they don’t, some other organization will, and they, in turn, will be vilified. (Just common sense)

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