Friday, June 28, 2019

Swalwell's "65-Point-Plan"

Eric Swalwell thinks he’s got it done. All he has to do is get his 65-point plan to control guns and ammunition into effect. His plan contains nothing new, and is a collection of all the tired old laws and regulations that have not worked worth a damn to “stop gun crime.” It’s an effort for this Dumocrat presidential candidate to revive his flagging presidential campaign, and it won’t work any better that all his potential anti-gun laws worked. Since he listens only to liberal Dumocrats, he thinks the world wants gun control, without knowing what gun control will ever stop, or even slow down “gun crime.” I don’t think even he believes his effort will do anything about gun crime, but he hopes it will help his flagging presidential campaign. His plan is so complicated that nobody can really understand it, and that’s okay with him. The less people understand his plan, the less able they are to point out its flaws, and that suits him right down to his toes. Swalwell is the guy, you remember, who told us the government “had nukes” they could use on us, so they could pass laws to control guns. Nuclear force to “get rid of guns,” of course. Somebody needs to tell Swalwell that more violence is not the route to less violence, and that law breakers will never obey his laws, even if he manages to get them passed. And remind him all his ideas are unconstitutional. (Guns)

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