Friday, June 21, 2019

Anti-Gun Fables

“You should be willing to give up your constitutional right to be armed for self defense because the government can protect you.” ...NOT! This is a common lie told by the anti-gun fools, even though it cannot be proven to be true, and indeed has been proven, over and over again, to be false. They still tell this lie after it has been disproved many times over. They make law after law to limit the purchase and use of guns by law-abiding people, and they obey them. And get killed by those who just ignore those laws and get their guns illegally. And there isn’t much any of their laws can do about “gun crime,” because they only seem to apply to the law-abiding. They just don’t seem to understand this simple truth: criminals don’t obey laws, so no amount of law making will work. Worse yet, they also fail to understand that limiting the purchase and handling of guns for the law-abiding gets those law-abiding people killed. They have to be aware of this, so they must have an ulterior motive in passing all these laws. They do. It is POWER. The power to tell you you can or can’t do a thing. “Gun crime” is just an excuse. (Just common sense)

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