Thursday, June 27, 2019

Are They Stupid?

Or what? Many politicians, including Eric Swalwell, think they have the power to BAN guns, and some even believe they can put people who refuse to give them up in jail. Swalwell has put forth some really stupid ideas on gun control. Ideas that involve all the stupid, unenforceable, useless anti-gun laws that have already been passed somewhere, and all of which have failed to stop, or even slow down “gun crime.” But that doesn’t seem to dawn on them. I don’t really think they’re stupid. Ignorant, maybe. Ignorant people merely lack essential knowledge and act in spite of that ignorance. Stupid people HAVE that essential knowledge, yet act as if they did not, taking stupid actions. I firmly believe Swalwell is one of those. He thinks being stupid about gun control will get him elected president, but it will NOT. Nothing will get this fool elected president. I’m surprised he even got elected to the job he has now. Rep. Seth Moulton, Dumocrat, of course, thinks we can actually impose a total gun ban, and that will solve all the problems. It will not. It will simply make life easier for the criminals who IGNORE their laws and victimize the law-abiding, who do. But then, there’s that “sticky” little thing called the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which makes any such ban impossible in this country. (Just common sense)

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