Friday, June 14, 2019

WHAT Change?

People gathered the other day as the site of Colorado’s latest school shooting to DEMAND change. One guy said, “We’re tired of sending our kids to school wondering if they’ll come home alive.” There was one ten year-old KID who made a speech in favor of gun control, being completely ignorant of the fact that gun control does nothing except make the law-abiding defenseless against people who get their guns illegally, as most mass shooters do. Or they get them legally if they have committed no crimes or have not been “said” to be “unstable” by a brother-in-law and “liable to shoot everybody around.” So I have to ask, “WHAT change?” People who demand change need to make suggestions, but they don’t know any more than we do on what changes to make. People are always demanding we “do something about guns,” when it isn’t the gun, it’s the PEOPLE. There is NO GUN LAW that can do a single thing about controlling the misuse of guns. None of those people at this gathering seemed to be aware of that. So what the hell CAN we do to protect our children when they go to school? Let the teachers and other non-uniformed school personnel bring their already legally-carried guns to school with them, so if a shooter comes to shoot the place up, he can be “dealt with” even before the cops can get there. But the anti-gun fools, to their everlasting shame, wont even HEAR of that. (Buzz Feed News)

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