Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Blaming Lax Gun Laws

In Trenton, NJ, the mayor is giving the feds hell for not having tight enough gun laws after 11 people were injured in a drive-by shooting. What is not mentioned is that New Jersey already has some of the tightest gun laws going, and that didn’t interfere, in any way, with the shooting. Something else not mentioned is whether or not the guns used were gotten legally, or illegally. That’s never mentioned in these cases, when politicians want to blame “lax gun laws” for shootings done usually using illegally-gotten guns. Then there is the unalterable fact that NONE of the currently existing anti-gun laws, anywhere, have done a single thing to prevent evil-doers from getting their guns. Places that are “gun-free zones” particularly are at fault. EVERY mass shooting so far has occurred IN a “gun-free zone.” “Gun-free zones” are an open invitation to would-be shooters to come in and shoot somebody because the law-abiding there will usually not be armed and able to defend themselves. As long as anti-gun fools blame the guns, this will continue. Politicians can blame somebody else all they want, and it will change nothing. Although it will make that politician feel better, thinking he has done SOMETHING to reduce gun violence. (NJ)

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