Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Clooney Is Wrong

And he’s finding out just how wrong he is to support the stupid, unrealistic, unenforceable anti-gun laws that do nothing except disarm the law-abiding, leaving them defenseless in the face of the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there in the hands of criminals and Islamic terrorists. He has spoken out widely against guns and, apparently, the right to self defense. He has “contributed” a lot of money to anti-gun fool causes, and has promised to contribute another $500,000.00 to the “cause.” But his wife, who is a lawyer, has pushed cases against Islamic terrorists and their stupid deeds, and ISIS has “taken an interest” in them. For a human being, that would mean at least getting a gun for himself, or hiring armed security to accompany him everywhere he and his wife go, but that would be hypocritical. To be true to his foolishness, he should continue to go unarmed, and thus place his entire family in deadly danger. It’s a decision I would sorely hate to have to make. Maybe this will make him come to his senses and stop supporting that silly attempt to destroy the entire concept of self defense. (Western Journal)

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