Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Justifying Gun Control

Maine Rep. Victoria Morales (A Dumocrat, of course) saw a man enter a school with his hand in his pocket and was terrified. So she wants more useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws made. She really is stupid enough to believe that a LAW will stop that man (if, he indeed is a danger) from getting a gun. And she is able to actually get such stupid laws made, in her ignorance. And we (not me) keep electing such people to places where they CAN get such laws made, even if they do get people killed by making them defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there. What have these people been SMOKING to make them so stupid? Is there something in the air that makes them so stupid? You do NOT defend yourself by disarming yourself. The government knows that, as witness our national defense policies. They’re not going to disarm themselves, so why should we? Yet their stated goal is to “get rid of all guns not in the hands of the government.” That makes me very suspicious, doesn’t it you? (Maine Examiner)

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