Friday, June 28, 2019

"Gun Laws Save Lives!"

I just saw an anti-gun fool demonstrator holding a sign that said, “Gun Laws Save Lives.” I had to laugh at the ignorance that caused that demonstrator to hold that sign, plus the ignorance that led an organizer to PRINT that sign. Gun laws DO NOT “save lives!” They get people KILLED! They can’t show me a single instance in which an anti-gun law saved a life. “Gun-Free Zones,” for instance, one of their favorite things, be it a law or just a corporate decision. There has not occurred a single mass shooting that has NOT happened IN a gun-free zone. Gun-free zones are an open invitation for gunmen to come in and shoot some people without fear that the law-abiding people there will be armed, even if they have “carry permits.” Because such zones supersede “carry permits.” So the law-abiding leave their guns at home and get KILLED when a law BREAKER brings his guns there and starts shooting people. Now let’s look at “safe storage laws.” They only serve to keep the law-abiding from getting their guns into operation quickly enough to successfully oppose a holder of an ILLEGAL gun invading their home of office. Again, that law only gets the law-abiding person KILLED. It is only the ignorant who believe that anti-gun laws “save lives.” And way too many of the ignorant have been elected to office where they can make stupid laws. Gun registration only lets the cops find a shooter AFTER he has done his crime—IF he bought his gun legally and stood for one. (Just common sense)

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