Monday, July 1, 2019

Guns Here to Stay

The anti-gun fools are living in a fantasy land. They firmly believe that all they have to do is pass a law, and people will obey it. Criminals will not. They’re CRIMINALS, after all. So it’s a fantasy to believe a law will “stop gun violence.” It will not. Areas with the tightest gun laws have the highest rates of “gun violence,” with most miscreants using ILLEGAL guns. Restrictions on the carrying of guns mean NOTHING to them. They carry their illegal guns anywhere they wish, and that includes IN “gun-free zones.” In fact, their highly vaunted gun-free zones re a gilt-edged invitation to miscreants of all kinds to “come in and shoot somebody.” ALL mass shootings so far have occurred IN gun-free zones. Criminals freely tell us they PREFER gun-free zones because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding there will not be armed, and thus will be defenseless against them. Illegal guns number in the MILLIONS in this country, and no amount of law making will change that. Criminals IGNORE gun laws, as they ignore all other kinds of laws. That’s what criminals DO. (The Gazette)

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