Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Dangerous? Or Just Confused?

Corey Booker has no idea what he’s talking about, and that’s dangerous, because he’s in a position to be able to get laws made that affect us all. As a lawmaker, he is supposed to have at least a passing knowledge of the Constitution, but he apparently does not. He thinks he can make a law to confiscate all the legally-owned firearms and imprison, maybe even KILL those who will not turn them over. That’s in spite of the fact that the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States FORBIDS making such a law because it would be an abridgment upon our constitutional RIGHT to “bear arms.” Apparently he thinks he can just ignore that, but he cannot. The Constitution is the very BASIS for ALL our laws. All laws made must conform to the Constitution, or they are not laws, at all. They do not exist. He also thinks gun owners should be required to get a federal license in order to own a gun, with certain restrictions, yet to be revealed. Never mind that is an “abridgment” on a constitutional right. He compares gun ownership to driving a car, in that driving a car requires a license. But driving a car is NOT a constitutional right. Gun ownership IS. (Daily Caller)

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