Thursday, June 20, 2019

Gabby Wants Background Checks

She wants the old, tired “solution” to “gun violence” that has never worked before to stop a single case of gun violence.” She actually believes that background checks will stop all “gun crime.” She’s a fool and is blinded by the fact that she took a bullet in the head and survived. Ever since she’s tried to get rid of all the guns she can, never mind the only ones she could ever have any effect upon are those owned by law-abiding people. Criminals would still get their guns the same way they’ve always gotten them. Buy them illegally, get them “under the table” from their friends, of just steal them. Background checks will never stop that. Not in a million years. Many mass shooters got their guns the same way if they were prohibited legally from owning a gun. But too many of them were NOT felons before they decided to kill a bunch of people, and their names and addresses would not appear on a list help by those conducting background checks. How she figures putting their names on a background list will PREVENT such shootings, I don’t know. But in her twisted way of thinking since being shot in the head, she believes it would. (Huffington Post)

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