Monday, June 24, 2019

Stupid Anti-Gun Laws

I can give you a list of ALL stupid anti-gun laws, right here, now, that don’t work. Ready? ALL OF THEM. There isn’t a single anti-gun law that does ANYTHING to “combat gun crime.” Why? Because criminals do not obey laws. ANY laws. They disobey laws every day. That’s why they’re called criminals. In addition, every anti-gun law in existence, and those to be made in the future, DEPEND ON a law-breaker to OBEY a law—which he doesn’t. And if the law-abiding person obeys them, he/she puts him/herself in deadly danger because, when faced with a criminal holding an ILLEGAL GUN, he/she is DEFENSELESS. Many anti-gun laws only make the law-abiding person unable to get his/her gun into operation quickly enough to successfully oppose the holder of an illegal gun—who has his gun in his hand, loaded, cocked, and ready to go. While the law-abiding person has to go to is gun safe, fumble the combination to get it open (with his shaking fingers, shaking from fear of that illegal gun pointed at him/her), remove the trigger lock, and make sure the ammunition is the right kind, that “approved” by a politician who thinks he knows better than we do, what’s good for us, and load the gun. Gun-free zones are the worst kind of anti-gun laws, because they pretty much guarantee the holder of an illegal gun that if he enters with his illegal gun to do something illegal, like killing a few innocent people, those there will not be armed, because they OBEY the law, even if it is stupid. So anti-gun laws KILL those law-abiding people who obey them, leaving the field open to those who do NOT. (Just common sense)

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