Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Avoiding the Issue

Chicago has a major gun violence problem. We all know the causes. One, their very tight anti-gun laws disarm the law-abiding, making life much easier for the law breakers, who ignore their anti-gun laws and victimize people with their ILLEGAL guns. And two, a major gang violence problem. Gang members regularly shoot each other, and anybody who gets in the way of their badly-fired bullets. They aren’t very well trained in proper use of guns, you know. But Chicago just doesn’t want to face reality and allow the law-abiding to be armed for self defense, thus allowing a “level playing field” for the law-abiding, who now are totally DISARMED, making them “easy targets” for those who ignore their laws and carry their illegal guns all the time. They’re going to spend $75 million dollars of taxpayer money to “study the root causes of violence.” The “root causes” of violence in Chicago is as plain as the nose on their faces, but they won’t recognize them, preferring to spend taxpayer money to obscure that fact. There IS no “solution” to the illegal use of guns except to allow the potential victims to shoot back. That would, at least, reduce gun violence, one illegal shooter at a time. (WGN TV)

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