Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Reducing Gun Violence

One shooter at a time. In Kansas, a would-be robber jumped the counter at “Boost Mobil” store and was immediately shot dead by one of the employees. This guy won’t be robbing any more stores, and that’s for sure. As one commenter said, “In Maryland, that store clerk would be prosecuted for not running away and giving that robber the whole store.”Another commenter brought out that funeral homes and casket makers are doing a land office business where anti-gun laws are the tightest, and they’re right. Where there are tight anti-gun laws, like in Chicago and LA, the “gun crime” statistics are also very high. Which should send a message to the anti-gun fools, but it won’t. Which is why I call them fools. They have to be aware that their laws do NOTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” but they keep insisting on making even more of them, while the law-abiding DIE at the hands of the criminals, who ignore their anti-gun laws and are defenseless. Which shows me that they are NOT trying to reduce gun crime at all. They just want to be able to tell people what they can, and cannot do. (Breitbart)

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