Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Taking It Away

“Creepy Joe” Biden seems to think changing the Constitution is as easy as a politician making a decision and implementing it. It is not. To change the Constitution requires a 2/3 vote of the electorate, plus a 2/3 approval by the states. It cannot be done by a simple politician’s decision and action. Biden thinks he can change the Constitution, removing the First Amendment, at will, which shows further his total ignorance of how things work in government. I guess four years in the most useless job in DC fogged his thinking. Actually, that’s wrong. He said that in 1974. One can only hope he has learned better in the years since. By that way of thinking, even the Second Amendment would be in danger. But it’s not. It would take more political capital than he has to even get such a thing started—and the populace would stand up and be heard in ways they have never been heard before if he tried it. That’s one of the things that makes the Constitution a bulwark against would-be dictators (many of which are in the Dumocrat Party). (Viral Buzz)

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