Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Gun-Grabber Twists

Newspaper editors commonly write their headlines to fool those who usually read nothing BUT the headlines—which are far too many. This particular story’s headline indicates just the opposite of the real story. The headline reads, “Man Shot by Concealed Carrier Dies.” Now that would make most intelligent people think that “concealed carrier” shot that man, just for the fun of it. Buried deep in the article in the Chicago Tribune is the admission that the dead man was shot by that concealed carrier after he pulled his own gun and tried to kill him. So that “concealed carrier” shot him, and paralyzed him. Emphasized in the story was the fact that the man was paralyzed when he died, thus making him an object of pity. Again, not mentioned is the fact that he was only paralyzed after he pulled a gun on the “concealed carrier” and he later died from his wounds. This is how the anti-gun fools twist the news to suit themselves. Never believe their twisted stories. (Truth About Guns)

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