Monday, June 3, 2019

Ethics Violations

Or it should be. Some lawyers in Canada are “reporting” their clients for owning guns. I don’t know how the ethics rules are written in Canada, but such an action should be a violation of every ethic lawyers should observe. Even if not, it begs the question: to whom do they “report” their gun-owning clients, and what are they expected to do about someone owning a legal object, under what law? Seems like an anti-gun overreaction on the part of those lawyers, and they should lose their law licenses for cause, since such “reports” are against the interests of the clients, while lawyers are supposed to be FOR their clients, or they’re useless as lawyers. The whole idea of a lawyer is to be an advocate for their clients, not a conduit for their fool anti-gun ideas. People are going completely bananas these days, over NOTHING, just because they buy the anti-gun fool notions. And that’s a pity, when otherwise intelligent people display ignorance on one subject. I seriously question the intelligence of those lawyers, who are alienating their clients by their actions. (Canada Free Press)

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