Thursday, June 20, 2019

"Only the Feds"

It amuses me what anti-gun fools will do and say to advance their drive to disarm all Americans (except for those working for the government in one way or another, of course). Now Mark Cuban says that, “Only the feds can’t stop you from owning guns. The states can do anything they want to you.” What a damned fool statement that is! The states CANNOT make laws that do not abide by the Constitution of the United States. That was part of the contract they signed when attaining statehood. They CANNOT “do anything they want to you.” They MUST abide by the Constitution. Dumocrat hack Joe Biden says the Second Amendment doesn’t guarantee your right to own “assault weapons.” But it DOES, Joe! It does NOT name ANY kind of a gun. It simply guarantees our right to “keep and bear ARMS.” An “assault weapon” IS an ARM! So it DOES “guarantee our right to own an “assault weapon” (whatever that is). Every day some anti-gun fool comes up with some bogus crap that will allow them to deny us the constitutional RIGHT to self defense, and to own and use the means to that, a gun. But it doesn’t work, and will NEVER work, because Americans are DETERMINED to keep that sacrosanct right, no matter what the anti-gun fools say. The “average American” does NOT want gun control. (Just common sense)

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