Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Anti-Gun Imbeciles

That’s all I can think about the anti-gun fools. They MUST know that none of their highly-touted anti-gun laws don’t work worth a damn to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” but they insist on making more and more of them. Whenever some fool takes a gun, legally owned, or otherwise, and shoots a few people, they immediately blame the gun, not the shooter. All their laws do is make the law-abiding defenseless against such people because they do not have their own guns to use in self defense. Meanwhile, the bad guys, who don’t bother to obey ANY laws, much less anti-gun laws, never have any trouble obtaining the guns they use to victimize the law-abiding. When we rightly refuse to make any more of those useless laws, they accuse us of all kinds of horrible things, such as WISHING to let criminals buy guns and kill people, when that label could actually be applied to them. They insult the NRA for trying to defend our constitutional RIGHT to “keep and bear arms,” while they try their best to violate it. I just don’t understand what drives these fools, but I will continue to fight them as long as they insist on making these stupid laws. (Just common sense)

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