Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What Good Is It?

What the hell good was the “background check” law in Illinois when a KNOWN FELON brought a gun he shouldn’t have even been allowed to own to work when he was pretty sure he was going to be fired. Then he shot and killed several people, including the plant manager and the Human resources manager—who obviously had a hand in firing him. Then he hid in the plant, while the cops “tracked him down” and killed him as he shot it out with them, wounding four cops. All this with a gun he passed their background check to buy, while being a felon. Anti-gun fools delight in celebrating the passage of such ignorant, unenforceable laws, while KNOWING they will never stop a determined mass shooter, or even a “gang-banger” who has to kill somebody to “earn his chops” to join their gang. That NONE of their highly touted “anti-gun laws” do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun violence” is a given. They have to be aware of that, yet they still make them, while those laws only serve to disarm the law-abiding, making then “easy targets” for those who routinely ignore those laws. The CEO of this company said, “We’ll look at our shortcomings,” as if to say this “killing spree” was not the fault of the shooter, but the fault of the victims. (CNN)

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